Chapter 13 // Safe

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It's the middle of the night when Kara wakes up to Mike's soft voice "Kara, you are okay. Just breath, you are home." Kara looks around in panic, she is completely covered in sweat and shaking a little. Mike places a kiss on her head and hugs her tight. Making sure they have contact with each other so Kara knows he is there.

Kara breathes a couple times in and out to relax, and after some time she succeeds to do so. She mumbles a bit out of breath "I am sorry, it wasn't my inte-" Suddenly she hears some glass breaking not far away and shuts up. Mike quickly lets go and stands up. He protectively stands in between the door and Kara.

Suddenly the door bursts open and a couple of people with guns come rushing in. Mike gets tackled to the ground and Kara quickly moves back against the headboard. She sighs when she reads FBI on their clothes, maybe they are Alex' coworkers, since she probably works there?

She hear something along the lines "We have her." Relaxes a little, she is going home. To Lena- Rao Lena! What happened to her! Suddenly somebody she knows walks in and she breaks out into tears... Lena. She is being held up by Winn, but it is Lena. Her wife, Lena. 

Kara quickly stands up and rushes towards Lena, hugging her tight. Lena just groans in response so Kara quickly lets go. She inspects Lena and sees that her hand is clutching her side, she probably was shot there. So places a kiss on top of Lena's head and mumbles "I am sorry" against her skin.

Lena takes a step back, looks at Kara and shakes her head "It isn't your fault, and it will never be yours. I am happy you are alright. Liam and I missed you." Kara grins and with that she pulls her wife into a kiss. Suddenly Lena groans so Kara quickly pulls away. She looks at Winn who just awkwardly stands there "Probably her stitches that snapped. She actually needs to be in a hospital. But Lena being Lena... yea, that doesn't go together. Hospitals and loved ones in need."

Kara slowly nods, they need to get her back to the hospital. "Well, as much as I love kissing you. I think it is time to get you back to the hospital to make sure your stitches are alright." A nod from Lena was enough for Winn to walk in front of them while Kara holds Lena. Who whimpers and groans from the pain. 

They step into a car, not before making sure that they know she will be making a statement later, and with that they drive off to the hospital, making sure Lena is alright. 

They are right, her stitches snapped because along the way to the hospital suddenly Lena's clothes turned red, blood. So that makes the driver, a FBI agent, ride faster and faster with his sirens on.

When after quite some time they arrive at the hospital Lena gets rushed in. Luckily for Kara and her nerves it doesn't take long for Lena to finish up and be in her own hospital in her own room. Kara nervously sits next to her, looking down and tapping her fingers on the armrest of the chair. But she stops when she feels an arm on her knee, she looks up. Lena just smiles at her and says "Kara, I know you are thinking this is your fault," Kara tries to interrupt but Lena just speaks a bit louder, she has never seen Lena do this "No, no. No interrupting. Because this isn't your fault. And it will never be, you didn't know he would do this. So no moping around just be happy we both survived." Kara slowly nods, she is right.

There is a knock on the door and a FBI agent walks in asking for a statement. So Kara tells the story about what happened, that it actually wasn't that bad. He didn't hurt her, he actually cared. And she tells about his parents and dinner. After a while, when she finally finished her story the FBI agent leaves and Lena comments "He is actually a creepy lovesick stalker," Kara just bursts out laughing and Lena tries to join but she just groans in pain and says through gritted teeth "No laughing darling, I need to keep these stitches whole." Kara nods and immediately shuts up.

Lena smiles gratefully at Kara and suddenly she says "I think you should go home. Liam is with his aunts, but I think he would love to see his mother."

Kara shakes her head, no, no. She isn't going to do that "No darling, Liam can wait another day. I am staying here with you. I don't want you to be alone in a hospital. Heck, I don't want you ever to sleep alone- but that doesn't matter," Lena tries to interrupt but Kara just sternly says "We are not going to argue about me staying because nobody is going to change their opinion. So, let's make this easy. I am going to stay here and tomorrow will be a new day. A day I might go home or might not go home. But all that matters now is that I am going to stay here with you."

And with that Lena yawns, she is probably tired but that is quite suspected if you just had surgery. So Lena slowly falls asleep when Kara tells her a story about a person who lost her world, her story. Along the way Lena finally falls asleep, she will probably feel bad that she fell asleep but that doesn't matter. What matters is that she is asleep and not fighting it. 

Today has been quite eventful and it will be a day to remember. But all will be good tomorrow. A new day, maybe even a brand new day. No, no that isn't a song from the Wiz. No, Kara just likes to think about musicals all day long. And maybe or maybe not she likes to insert a good reference sometimes. But that doesn't matter. What matters is that tomorrow she will see Liam again and hopefully Lena gets to go home.

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