Chapter 4 // The Talk

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About an hour later Lena finally awakes, Kara saw two other episodes of some sort of reality show. Lena murmurs something that Kara can't understand and nuzzles deeper into the crook of Kara's neck. Kara just chuckles which makes Lena let out a couple sounds of displeasure. 

That just makes Kara bust out laughing while she looks at her partner next to her, the reality TV long forgotten. Lena opens one eye and looks sleepy at Kara. Kara just smiles brightly, she can get used to this. Watching movies and series together on the couch.

Lena suddenly speaks up, it doesn't startle her but her raspy voice... it does some things to her "Hello darling."

Kara's smile falters a little because downstairs some... wetness happens. She almost lets out a squeak but says a little too high "Hello"

Lena suddenly removes herself from Kara to look at her with a raised eyebrow. Kara just quickly looks at the television, acting like nothing happened. Out of nowhere lips find her pulse point. She moans almost immediately. Lena just chuckles and continues. Many other moans escape Kara's lips and a whine when Lena moves away with the promise of "Later".

Kara tries to control her breath, it take some time for her to finally calm down. Maybe if this is already this good... sex would be way better? Maybe James was just grumpy since he didn't get the special treatment yet. But that doesn't matter yet, right now she has to investigate what is happening while being stealthy about it. That's absolutely a plan to fail. Lena is way too smart for this, she will figure out something is truly wrong sooner rather than later.

And apparently the moment that she is going to dig further is now "Kara, darling. What was your nightmare about?"

Kara stands up, she needs to do something while she talks about this. So she paces around in the room and says "The usual."

Kara quickly looks at Lena who nods "That's... awful. I am sorry. But you have us now, all is good," Kara stops dead in her tracks which makes Lena quickly say "It's isn't good that they died. But- but all ended well? You are okay, we have a son together. You have me, Alex, Sam, Eliza, Lex, Clark, Lillian and Winn. So relax darling, we won't go away without a fight. Which again sounds bad- uh- We will always be there for you." She said Winn! But not James, so no James and yes Winn. Good, to have a familiar person. 

That's good to hear. And Sam, she didn't expect her, but maybe she works for L-Corp?  And they have a son together... they little black haired, blue eyed boy names Liam... Kara sighs she needs to fix her game. So she walks back to the couch and sits beside Lena "I am sorry, it just got me all so worked up. I don't like waking up in sweat knowing that one day you won't be there anymore."

Lena places a hand on Kara's knee and squeezes it a little. She smiles to Kara and says "That's part of being human. Death will come but what matters is what you do before that. You thought me that when we first met. And if I need to I will always repeat those words."

Another nod from Kara, maybe Lena is right. She has to make the most of this, enjoy this life. She doesn't know what it is and she will get to the bottom of this but maybe she should just enjoy her life. And right now enjoying her life means getting what was promised later.

That evening they have take-out together. Lena was a bit sore so Kara being the gentlewoman she is carried her to the dining room. Lena thanked her with a heated kiss. They had some Chinese for dinner, almost all healthy stuff, it doesn't taste that bad since she can't eat whatever she want anymore. But luckily for Kara, Lena got a portion of potstickers. 

Later when they were both decent Liam came home, Lex and Lori had to leave immediately they needed to fix some problem. But now Liam just sits between his parents watching Frozen in the television room, more like mini cinema room. 

Their boy suddenly looks from the screen to Kara and asks "Mommy? Why did I have to go to Uncle Lex today?"

Kara sighs and smiles when Lena speaks up "Mommy had a bad day, do you remember that Saturday that you had a nightmare and we stayed cuddled up in bed all day even though mommies needed to work? Mommy had something like that."

Liam nods and shifts a little on the couch, he hugs Kara. Kara just smiles and slowly a tear starts to fall down, they truly have a special boy. He is just so caring, understanding and smart, he asked many questions about how it works with animating the movie and Lena was apparently prepared so she told him how and what.

The little boy stays like that for minutes. In the meantime Lena paused the movie and looks at her family. When Liam lets go of Kara, Kara wipes her tears away. Not that she feels like she needs to look decent around her very caring family. No just she feels like she can't sit there with a wet face because that feels absolutely horrible.

Things might not be normal right now. But this life is almost perfect, having Lena and all. So maybe today she can get to enjoy it and tomorrow she needs to focus on what is happening. But that doesn't matter. All will be good whether she is stuck here or back with her normal life. All will be perfect, because if she goes back she is going to get Lena. She might be a terrible friend but what they did today, how Lena treated her with this love and care she just doesn't have words for it. 

A/N If I make huge grammar mistakes please comment. I haven't been to school in five months so my English is getting quite bad.

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