Chapter 10 // Gone

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Late in the afternoon she hears the clicking of heels coming closer and closer, Lena. Kara looks up from her laptop and sees her wife there. She smiles brightly and Lena returns the smile, probably both happy to see each other. Kara quickly stands up and meets Lena half way for a kiss. 

Kara walks back to her desk and holds out her big boss chair for Lena to sit in. When Lena is seated she grabs one of those chairs in front of her desk and places it beside Lena. She quickly hops in it and smiles brightly at Lena. She places a hand on Lena's knee and asks "How was your day?"

Lena smiles at her and starts talking about her day and how awful it was. Apart from lunch with Kara and in the morning with Liam. Suddenly there is a knock at the door and both of them look up. James stands there with this smug look on his face, probably thinking he won. Lena does her casual "Come in.". 

He walks over to the only chair left but before he sits down he hears the door close behind him, done by Eve, so he turns around. His expression changes for a second to panic but returns normal again, well normal. That awful smug look.

Lena clears her throat and looks at James, she smiles and says "Good evening mister Olsen, I heard you requested something today."

He smiles brightly and says "Yes, Mrs. Luthor I did. I asked Kara- I mean Mrs. Luthor if I could do fieldwork extra. Since my job can be awfully boring from time to time." 

Lena nods and clicks Kara's pen out "Ah- Good. But that's not why you are here," James gets a bit pale "You mister Olsen are here because you had thrown a tantrum. Even my three-year-old son doesn't do that anymore. And you had only one warning left. So mister Olsen are going to grab your things and leave. You are by this day notice fired."

He stands up, his head red and yells "You can't do that! You can't just fire me! I am the most valu-" 

Lena cuts him off "But I can mister Olsen, I am your boss. Owner of this company, and you broke many rules and human standards. Just like bullying. So I will say this time, leave this building now and I won't make sure your only job you can get is drunk."

He opens his mouth to say something again but decides against it. With that he walks away, out of the room. Kara slowly nods, she has no idea why but mission accomplished. Lena suddenly stands up and walks to Kara's liquor cabinet. She grabs whiskey and pours it in a glass. Kara looks at Lena, she doesn't think this is a wise decision so she stands up and before Lena can take a sip she grabs the glass and says calmly "I don't think that is a wise decision with Liam and all."

Lena nods and sighs, Kara places the glass back on the tray and Lena shuffles closer. Placing her head on Kara's shoulder. Kara wraps her arms around Lena, Lena is still human. She still has emotions. Being cold and all isn't Lena, no she breaks now and then, and it looks like she is going to break now so Kara softly rubs Lena's back.

Lena just holds onto Kara, breathing a bit too rapid. So Kara whispers "It's okay" and "I am here". After some time Lena relaxes, she moves away and removes the tears on her face with a tissue. Suddenly Kara's phone pings because of a message so Kara quickly checks it and it's a message from their driver saying that they have fifteen minutes to get Liam. 

So Kara quickly says "Ready to get our child?" Lena nods and with that they are off, first Kara gives Eve one last task, making sure James never comes into this building again. It isn't anything big but it needs to be done. She also makes sure that Eve has every file ready to fire him. Which apparently she has already ready so Lena quickly signs it and with that it's done. James doesn't work there anymore.

Was it the right thing to do? She doesn't know, but it doesn't matter anymore. Right now she is standing in the elevator to the car downstairs. The doors open and with that they step outside, hand in hand they walk to the car outside. Frank, their driver opens the door for them and with that they slide in. 

The ride to Liam's pre-kindergarten thing is in silence, processing what just happened. What they just did. That they ruined somebody's future. Or maybe only a part but it's something. The car stops and a little time later Lena's door gets opened. Lena gets outside Kara following behind her.

Together they walk to some gate. When they enter the premises Liam comes running towards Kara and Lena. It's quite funny to see a little boy running like this with his Toy Story backpack. He rushes towards Kara and Kara quickly picks him up before he collides with her legs. He giggles when she gives him a kiss on his cheek. He hugs his mother tight and whispers "I missed you mommy."

"I missed you too darling, did you like my kiss this morning?" Liam nods and then looks at his other mother smiling brightly so Kara gives him over to Lena who previously had been talking to some woman who now is walking back inside again.He gives Lena a kiss and hugs her tight. And with that Lena carries him to the car where Frank is making sure his seat is perfectly in place.

Kara sits down while Lena buckles him in. And with that they go home, to a safe place. Where later that evening Lena breaks, not because she things she made the wrong decision but just because her day has been terrible. And Kara is there the whole time for Lena.

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