Chapter 20 // Love - Epilogue

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Kara slowly opens her eyes, when she looks around she sees that she is in bed with her wife Lena, the person she married four years ago. The love of her life. Back then they only had been dating for six months, but every moment without her- without her being truly in her life made her incomplete. So she knew when she asked Lena to marry her she did the right thing. The feeling was mutual. Maybe not that extreme with Kara's Kryptonian mating genes but that doesn't matter. All that matters is that they found each other. And will find each other again and again. 

Because Kara was stuck in the wish world she saw different sides of people. Of Clark, and she knew she needed to be a better cousin. Well, she needed to forget her grudges about him. Forget the past and start anew. And it ended well, because their son Liam has a cousin he very much likes and sees quite often named Kyle. 

What is special is that Liam, their son, is both their child. With Kara being a Kryptonian there was a bit of an anomaly. Lena got pregnant on their wedding night. And some time after that Liam Winslow Luthor was born. The little boy looks exactly like the boy in the wish world. And Kara loves every minute she gets to spend with him. He is truly smart and has been developing powers, but she promised Lena that she won't encourage him to become a superhero. And she intend to keep that promise. 

Maybe years ago when Kara just lost Mon-El she would say she would never find anybody. But with a bit of help she succeeded. The help was quite... different. But she did it, she has everything she ever wants with the person she only would want it with. Not James, or Winn, or even Mon-El. No she wants to have it with the love of her life. Her Lena. Not that Lena is her property but that doesn't matter. What matters is that she got everything she ever wanted. A family, a home and many other things. But some part is a bit of a lie, their family isn't finished yet. Because Lena is pregnant... again. And she loves every part of it. Even the grumpy days or the nights on the couch. 

Lena is worth every minute of that. And after that Lena will give her all the love in the world. Just like Lena gave her a job as CFO at Catco. But that was also to throw out the talks about favouritism. Luckily for James in this reality he is friends with the crew and he is clearly a bit better shaped. One thing that's good for Kara is that he didn't mind being demoted. He actually wanted to take pictures and stuff again. 

And all in all she got the perfect life, apart from the few assassinations attempts from Lillian and Lex. But that's just an extra you need to learn to live with. Because love is worth it. A lesson Lena learned the minute she kissed Kara back. And Kara will always remember that day, the day she acted on her feelings. Her real feelings.

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