Chapter 19 // One Last Time

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Kara was a mess after that night, that doomed Monday night. Well not much time passed since then. But- She just can't take it. Not knowing that Lena loved her so much she wants a family, wants to have a future with her. In the middle of the night she gets woken up by a loud bang. And suddenly some red light makes it's way past the curtains. The door gets opened up and in comes Liam. Running because he is probably scared. He tugs on Kara who quickly grabs him and holds her whimpering child. 

Lena wakes up and mumbles "What is happening" She turns on the light and looks at Liam and Kara. Kara is trying to make Liam feel better but it doesn't go that good. So Lena quickly grabs him and starts telling him a story, one of Hans Christian Andersen, the little mermaid. Kara stands up and walks to the window, something is truly wrong. She opens the curtains and sees that the sky is red. She turns to Lena who looks shocked, because she stopped in the middle of her story.

This- shouldn't be happening. She quickly closes the curtains. No- no she didn't see it. It's all fake. This is a dream. She makes her way back to the bed and sits down by Lena's legs. What is happening. That's the only thing that races through Kara's mind. Another thunder roars through the sky, the sound is almost deafening. Liam bursts out crying. And Kara just closes her eyes, something is happening and not knowing what scares her. 

She keeps sitting there for a moment before making her way down to her own side of the bed. When she sits down Liam holds onto her immediately. She sighs and rubs his back. Lena shifts a bit closer protectively holding Liam and Kara. Whatever is happening she has her family. She has Lena and Liam. 

Her eyes are fixed on the wall in front of her but she quickly looks at Liam when he suddenly feels different. It's like he is dematerializing into thin air. Lena gasps which makes Kara look at her. What is happening- Is- Is it ending? Is all of this fake- has it never happened?

When he is completely gone Lena shuffles closer, crying with a very broken voice she asks Kara "What- What is happening?" 

Kara looks at her and wipes a tear away "I'm sorry- but you were never real. Remember that I love you. And I will always love you, you make me whole. You give me a home."

Lena looks at her and hugs her tight "I- I love you too. I always did- and I will wherever we will meet again. I love you, I'm so-" She doesn't get to finish her sentence. She is gone, she disappeared into thin air. Kara lets out a cry in despair. She lost... the last things she hears when the world turns black is "Your wish was fulfilled."

Kara gasps awake, she looks around and sees that she is at the DEO. She tries to regain her breath but she doesn't have time for it. She needs to see Lena. She quickly pulls a couple of wires out of her and stands up. Her legs are a bit wobbly, but it doesn't matter. She needs to see Lena. She looks down and sees that she wears some sort of hospital robe so she looks around the room and sees clothes neatly folded on a chair in the corner of the room. She quickly grabs it and changes. 

When she is finally changed and ready to leave the door gets opened. And rushing in comes Alex "Kara, you are awake!"

She walks closer but Kara just shakes her head "No- not now. I need to see Lena."

Alex takes a couple steps back and says a bit mad "No- You can't. You just woke up from a coma that had you in it's grasps for more than week." Kara shakes her head again and walks past Alex who tries to stop her but fails since Kara is impossibly strong. So she lets go and follows Kara to the balcony. Kara takes off before she can say anything.

The only thing that makes sure Kara is awake right now is that she needs to see Lena, but she is truly tired. She flies to L-Corp and luck is on her side. Lena's light is still on. When she lands on the balcony she sees Lena working on her laptop at her desk. Lena stands up when she hears a thud. Without warning Kara walks in, walks to Lena in her civilian clothes and captures Lena's lips with her own.

Lena is shocked at first but after some time she reciprocates the kiss. The kiss turns heated quite quickly with tongue and things like that. But neither of them think it matters. What matters is that they are kissing each other. When they part they rest their heads together. Today Kara made the first move, but the second is all Lena's. Because when she catches her breath she kisses Kara fiercely. 

Maybe today Kara lost her life, again. But it gave her so much more. It gave her Lena, the love of her life in a clear picture. That she wasn't her best friend. No there was so much more to that relationship. And from now on there will be much more, because James and Lena broke up because he wouldn't say anything about Kara since she was missing. And Lena knew he wasn't a good boyfriend. But she got something way better in return. A girlfriend, the person she loves. 

Maybe yesterday was an awful day. But today- today is the day they saw clearly. The day they see that they can't live without each other. The day they know they will spend the rest of their lives together. And it doesn't matter what happened before this, all that matters is what is going to happen after this. 

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