Chapter 7 // Dinner

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All the guests sit down at the dining table except Alex, Lena and Kara. Alex uses the excuse to bring the food together with the other two but Kara knows something is behind those words, she has another thing she needs to do. Maybe she is rather oblivious with many things but when it comes to Alex she learned to know how she feels. 

So when Kara enters the kitchen she immediately gets pulled aside and into a hug by Alex. Alex whispers in Kara's ear "I am sorry." Kara just nods, she has no idea what Alex is apologising for but if she means it, which she does, then it's all right.

She just looks at Lena who looks at them from a distant with this content smile on her face. When they part Kara says "Thanks" and Alex places a short kiss on Kara's head. Making sure that the blonde knows that her sister will be there for whatever happens. And this is probably about her parents death. But that doesn't matter. The offer probably stands for so much more.

And with that they together bring food out. Kara sits next to Liam and Lena at the table and opposite of her sits Maggie who has Lex and Alex next to her. Next to Lex sits Lori and Lillian sits at the head of the table. And that leaves Winn who sits next to his nephew Liam. 

They quickly start eating and they break into conversations about how things are going. Kara takes notes in her head, things got asked about work... a question from Alex directed to Lena. And Lena complained about all the board meetings so she is still a CEO? And Liam about something they called pre-kindergarten. What the hell does that even mean, does that mean that he goes to daycare and learns stuff there? Probably. 

That kid has Lena's genes. Like he is smart, like smart smart. And he is caring... just the perfect boy. Suddenly Lex asks "And Kara how are things at Catco?"

Kara was about to drink her water so she places her glass down again. She nervously messes with her glasses as she says "Good, good. It can always b-" 

Winn suddenly interrupts her with this pride in her voice "She is doing it perfectly as CFO. It wouldn't have been a lie if I said that people would bow down before her." She is the CFO? Kara's mouth almost falls open. She just can't believe it, Rao how is that possible? Well, there are some reasons like that she got mentored by Cat Grant. Or the fact that she can have a spine of steel if needed.

Lex chuckles and asks with a raised eyebrow "So Lena made the right choice with making you CFO?" A nod from Kara and he continues "I am proud, I think I can say everybody is proud of you. Just like we are all proud about Winn and his promotion at Catco to Director of the IT department," He raises his wine glass and says "To Kara and Winn." All of them repeat them with their glasses raised. Even Liam raises his plastic cup and says "To Mommy and Uncle Winn". Which made Kara just chuckle, it was quite funny to see. Maybe they do this way more so that Liam is used to it. And knows what to do. 

Lena places an hand on Kara's knee and squeezes it affectionate. Kara turns to Lena, smiles and nods. Lena is truly being a supportive wife. It's great to be like this. Maybe she misses being Supergirl already a little but being human is so much more worth it. For the first time Kara can feel what's like to be human. And she enjoys it. She maybe even loves it. 

Dinner is finished pretty quickly which means the leftovers are brought back to the kitchen and dessert is taken out. Just some normal homemade chocolate cake, which is quite lovely since dinner was mostly vegan and healthy. Lena truly likes being vegan... Kara doesn't like it but relationships are about giving, something she didn't do with Mon-El. No, no she gives Lena the gift of eating healthy food and Lena probably gave her something back for it. Kara doesn't know what but that doesn't matter what matters is that Kara needs to get used to this because she doesn't know how this happened so she also doesn't know how to fix this.

When dinner was finished everybody left, mostly because tomorrow means Monday and that means work. That night, when Kara and Lena laid in bed together Kara asks "Do you think I am doing a good job as CFO?"

Lena looks up from her book and at Kara who previously had been reading the news on a tablet. Lena simply says "Yes," She smiles at Kara as she continues "I think you are doing a great job as my CFO. You finally got to be less Kara 'Sunny' Luthor and more who you really are. That doesn't mean that you aren't Kara 'Sunny' Luthor. But that means that you get to use a bit of your anger for something when needed. It's not like you aren't all sunshine and rainbows anymore but now you don't need to go to the gym anymore and get beat up by your sister because you needed to punch something or somebody."

Kara nods, she has a point. But suddenly Lena continues "Honey, it's not like surviving that crash together with Clark was your fault. It's not your fault and it will never be it. No that won't ever be the thing. No you Kara Luthor might be together with Clark the last survivors from the family El. But that means you need to live. Make your father Zack and mother Alura proud. Just like Clark needs to make his parents John and Lara proud. Even though they would have been proud of you no matter what."

Kara nods, and quickly removes her tears, along the way she started to cry. Lena just chuckles and grabs Kara's tablet from her lap and places it on the nightstand beside her. And with that she places her book on top of it and pulls Kara into a hug. Just like that they fall asleep in each others arms.

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