Chapter 8 // Work

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Monday morning rolls around, Kara groans when she hears the alarm clock and quickly presses snooze. She moves closer to Lena who sighs happily. The second time  the alarm sounds she moves up. Now is the time to get up, yesterday she looked at the online shared planner with meetings and family stuff and Lena apparently brings Liam to pre-kindergarten, what apparently isn't a daycare. 

Lena whines when Kara moves away which makes Kara chuckle, she isn't the only one who wants to stay in bed and cuddle all day. But Kara grabs her glasses and puts them on after that she walks to their walk-in closet and grabs a skirt and a blouse to wear. When she is finally changed, which takes too long for her liking, she walks to the bathroom to do a much needed business. 

When she washes her hands she sees some sort of container with a post-it note on it. Written in that beautiful cursive handwriting of Lena is 'Don't forget to wear them.' And with that Kara opens the container, contacts. She quickly puts them in and places her glasses back in glasses case on her nightstand. 

She makes her way downstairs, not before going into Liam's room and giving him a kiss on his head. Downstairs she opens the fridge and is greeted by a couple of pancakes. Lena truly knows Kara, and she knows Kara can't cook. So Kara quickly nukes, or puts them in the microwave, and eats them with some syrup. She quickly places everything in the dishwasher when she gets a TA of 5 minutes from apparently her driver, she has a driver...

She quickly runs upstairs and brushes her teeth and does her hair. When her driver texts that he is there she makes her way downstairs and grabs her bag that Lena made sure she packed yesterday. She quickly unlocks the door and locks it again when she is outside. With coat on, yes she almost forgot it, she makes her way to the car. She gets inside and with that they drive off. 

It doesn't take long for them to arrive at the centre of the city. They arrive in front of Catco and Kara gets out and walks to the door which gets opened for her by a security guard waiting outside. She, yes a woman, politely says "Good morning Mrs. Danvers."

Kara nods back with a megawatt smile which makes the security guard light up when Kara says "Good morning" back. Kara casually walks to her private elevator not getting stopped once by security, but she does get greeted by every person. Once inside the elevator she check her schedule for the day, packed with meetings.

She groans and looks at her phone with irritation. She quickly looks at lunch, she smiles brightly when she sees that Lena is coming over with food. Good. She needs that. She hear the signal for the doors opening and gets outside. Eve rushes to her with a coffee and tablet in her hands. Kara quickly puts her phone in her bag and takes the coffee from Eve. 

With Eve beside her she walks to her office. Eve talks about what to expect today but she doesn't really hear it, she just keeps thinking about James and where he might be. Suddenly she hears Eve say "Mr. Olsen" so she looks from her path to Eve who just talks further. They arrive at her office, the fishbowl, and Eve gives her a couple of files all marked with a different colour for a different meeting. With that Eve leaves again. 

Kara sits down, swiftly opens her laptop and looks at her schedule again, her one o'clock is with James. Good that she will see him, apparently he works for the art department. So he didn't take the leap he got to CEO. Maybe even he isn't friends with Clark... that could be possible. Since Clark isn't that interesting because he probably is no man of steel.

Not fifteen minutes later she gets called to her first meeting, that meeting was a complete hell. From some arrogant frat boy to him yelling some nonsense. But luckily one thing that Kara learned from Cat is glaring. So the one thing she did is sitting relaxed in her chair, making him see who is the boss and just glare at him. He slowly but surely shut up. And with that the terrible meeting was over.

Finally around twelve somebody knocks on the door. Kara looks up from her paperwork and smiles brightly when she sees Lena standing there in full business attire and some sort of take-out bag in her hand. Probably sandwiches or something like that. Kara quickly stands up and meets her wife, yes she refers her as her wife now since it's the truth, half way. They kiss hungrily and when they part Kara says a bit out of breath "I missed you." 

Lena just mumbles something and Kara only gets 'you' out of it. Nothing else, it's just too soft. Lena suddenly walks to the couch and sits down. Kara quickly takes place beside her and Lena gives her a sandwich with chicken, pesto and some greens. They eat in a relaxing silence and when Kara is finished she asks "And how was your day so far?"

Lena sighs and says "Terrible, but I heard you came to give our son a kiss this morning. Where was mine?" 

Kara chuckles and quickly kisses Lena's head. She proudly says "There! Now you are even!"

Lena grins and out of nowhere bites her lip. She glances towards Kara's lips. It's like Kara doesn't have control over her body anymore. She just leans in and kisses Lena like there is no tomorrow. They go on for quite some time until suddenly there is another knock on the door. Lena quickly removes her lipstick on Kara's face. While Kara looks at the person there. Her mouth slowly falls open. She didn't expect this... not a single bit.

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