Chapter 14 // Healing

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Kara slowly awakes. The field bed underneath her isn't that comfortable, especially when you compare it with the bed at home. She opens her eyes and is greeted by the ceiling. She turns to look at Lena and sees that Lena is wide awake and on her tablet. It's like she knows Kara is awake because she suddenly turns to Kara and smiles widely. "Morning darling."

Kara mumbles "Morning." back. She stands up and stretches. Her shirt moves up a bit showing her abs, when she sees Lena staring at her with lustful eyes she only makes sure to stretch bigger, showing more of her stomach. She chuckles and smirks when Lena's pupils dilate. Slowly but surely she makes her way over, making sure Lena keeps seeing her abs. 

Her wife suddenly looks everywhere but at her when she stands in front of her. So Kara grabs Lena's chin and makes sure Lena looks at her. And with that she kisses her wife a very passionate and lust filled morning kiss. Some time later when they part Lena literally gasps for air.

Kara chuckles and sits down in the chair next to Lena, when Lena can breath normally she says "A doctor came this morning. I may or may not have said that he would have been fired if he didn't let you sign me out this morning. So in about thirty minutes he will come and we will get to go home. I already called Winn so we have a driver. Because you and driving a car... that's a no go. You might be really good on your motorcycle but a car. Nope. Not going to happen." Kara chuckles, she is right. Her driving a car is not smart. But a motorcycle? That actually might be pretty smart because she is good around one. 

Exactly thirty minutes later the doctor walks in, without many problems Lena is signed out, apart from the medication she needs to take and stuff like that but that aren't many problems. Winn arrives exactly four minutes, seven seconds and a couple of milliseconds, yes Kara keeps count, later. They already dressed Lena into new clothes so Kara just helps Lena up and together they walk to Winn's car. Once inside his car Kara finally feels free again. No need to worry anymore since all will be good. 

It doesn't take long to arrive home, but Lena fell asleep along the way so Kara wakes her up. Lena is at first a bit disorientated but that goes by fast. Kara helps her out of the car and together they walk to the door, in the meantime Winn parks the car. 

When they are almost are at the door the door opens and Liam comes rushing out. He is about the collide with Lena's legs when Kara quickly grabs him and holds him up. He kisses his mother and hugs her tight. Kara just chuckles and says "Missed you too, buddy."

Suddenly Lena wraps herself around them kissing them both on the head. "It's good to see you Liam." Lena takes a step back and clutches her side again. Kara quickly sets Liam down and helps Lena inside. This might have been a bad decision. Once in the living room Lena sits down  and groans. Along the way Alex helped keeping Lena up so together they sit down. 

Lena acts like everything is alright but Kara knows Lena better, she is hurting. So she urges Lena to lie down with her head in Kara's lap. And after some time hesitantly agrees. Slowly but surely Lena falls asleep while Kara combing her fingers through Lena's hair. Yesterday has been quite eventful and she is under the influence of medication so it's expected. 

Not fifteen minutes later Alex and Maggie leave, saying they have a date. So that just leaves Liam and Kara playing video games. And it's good that Kara doesn't have many problems with losing because this child... he truly a perfect child. Not that he wouldn't have been it if he loses from Kara but he is just so good at Mario Kart. At the age of three... 

Lena just lays there the whole time. Not moving a single bit, so Kara doesn't move either. She does order pizza though, so they have something to eat later. Lena wakes up when Liam won again, he is using his weird and funny victory dance while she opens her eyes for the first time. She chuckles, making her presence known to everybody in the room, but quickly clutches her side. This is going to be fun. Absolutely not. 

Not a minute later when Lena is calmed down again, meaning her side doesn't hurt anymore, the bell rings. So Kara moves away from under Lena and goes to grab cash but apparently Liam already did that since he holds twenty bucks up for her to grab. She quickly thanks him and with that she goes to take the pizza and pays for it. 

With pizza's in hand she walks back to the living room where Liam is setting a couple of plates on the table, three to be exact. Kara places the pizzas she bought, one pepperoni and one vegetarian, on the coffee table and with that they slowly start eating. Kara helps Lena every time she wants a new slice but that doesn't matter. What matters is that they have a family movie night together. They watch Tarzan, a movie both Lena and Liam really enjoy. Lena enjoys the movie because Jane, an actual scientist plays in it. She is smart and not really a damsel in distress like many other Disney princesses. 

That night, when Kara brings a sleepy Lena to bed she knows what will make her live. This. It's her main purpose in life, it's even better than being Supergirl, and with this she means having a family to care about. To make sure they stay alive. Having people who will always love you and who you will always love back. Even when everything is bad and takes a turn for the worse. 

No, Kara would give being Supergirl up for this, it might have taken a couple days for her to realise this but now she does. She actually does. So when Lena is asleep in bed she places a kiss on her head and quickly gets out. Making her way to Liam's room to just look at him. He went to bed some time ago so when she arrives it's dark and he softly snores. A stray tear makes its way down her face. She never expected to be human, but now when she finally is it... it's just perfect. 

Some time later when she makes her way back Lena is awake, looking in fear around. She didn't think of this, that Lena might be scared. But she is, so she quickly acts and slips in beside Lena. She quickly places a kiss on Lena's head and says "Go to sleep darling, I will be here when you wake up again." Lena just holds Kara tight and it doesn't take long for her to actually fall asleep. 

Kara can't know what Lena has been through, she wasn't there. But all she knows is that she is falling deeper and deeper for the woman in her arms. She know knows what she felt for her, that strange feeling she pushed aside by making sure Lena had somebody, had James. But now that feeling flows through every vein of her body. She only has two words for it. A feeling and a emotion. Home and love. Lena is her home and will always be it. 

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