Chapter 5 // History

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When Liam needs to go to bed he asks for both his parents to tuck him in. So they both walk upstairs with him to his room. He quickly changes and lies in bed. Lena sits beside him on the bed and Kara just stands. The black-haired-boy suddenly asks "Could you tell the story about how you two met?"

Lena chuckles and looks at Kara for confirmation to proceed so she nods. So Lena starts to talk "Once upon a time a girl and her cousin went to the cousin's friend. That girl lost her family a couple months before. Back then her cousin was way older than she was and being a good cousin took her to a fun day at his friend. His friend had a little sister, she was also adopted,"

Kara smiles weakly and sits down on the floor. She hugs her knees while she listens to Lena "The little sister and the girl immediately took liking in each other. Both 14 years old, that day they did things with each other and only each other. That evening they kissed before they parted their ways. Many years pass with only a long distance relationship, that means they don't live near each other, but suddenly they decided that when girl was going to start college she would join the now grown up little sister. They lived together in college with having some problems. Not because they didn't love each other but a boy named Mike thought that the girl would be a good girlfriend. Little did he know that the girl already was taken by the sister because they kept their relationship a bit secret since her girlfriend had a last name that was wanted by the paparazzi, the paparazzi are those bad people who follow us from time to time and always stand in front of our gate. 

So to protect the girl the girlfriend thought it would be smart to keep their relationship a secret and they did. But when Mike got rejected by the girl he kept following her and was really creepy. Because of this he knew that the girl and girlfriend were together. Suddenly the whole world knew they were together, many problems followed. From those creepy people outside following to bribery. Bribery means that people asked for money and things like that. 

But one day something awful happened. Do you remember that scar on mommy's back?" Liam nods, she has a scar on her back? "Some bad people did that, wanting to get money from me. So Mommy and I have been through quite something. But I think there are two days that were just the best. Nothing that can ever happen could make those days bad. Our wedding day and the day that you were born."

The boy lights up by the mention of him being born and rushes up pulling his mother into a hug. "That was a cool story mama! I liked it!" Kara and Lena just chuckle and take their turns with tucking him in and placing a kiss on his head.

Together hand in hand they walked to their room, Kara was smiling brightly, they have a lovely story. One that has many bad things probably in it but they ended here, their story hasn't ended yet. But it probably has been an incredible journey for Lena and Liam. Maybe Kara doesn't know the real story and maybe she will never know the story but it's a start.  

Kara and Lena quickly change, Kara being a bit slower than Lena. But when Kara joins Lena in bed the television is on. With some musical playing on the screen, West Side Story. Kara chuckles and snuggles Lena. This is maybe really domestic but it's worth it.

Somewhere in the movie Kara speaks up "Lena, I- I can't really remember what happened with the scar on my back. What did happen?"

Lena looks at her and carefully nods "You- you got taken away one day. We weren't living in a secure building yet so they just broke into our room and got you out of there. They held you for days, demanding money. They tortured you just before they got you out of there. Your whole back was open and you were losing a lot of blood. The last thing you said before you passed out was 'Lena, I-I am cold.' Before that you said many times I love you but it wasn't enough. I thought I was losing you." Lena is on the verge of tears so Kara pulls her towards her. Making sure Lena's ear is placed on her heart.

"You hear that thing? That's my heart. It beats, and it will beat for many years to come. I won't be leaving you. Never. We have been through so much together and we will have to deal with many other things. But I love you Lena Kieran Luthor. You and only you. Well, I also love Liam and Alex and Eliza and-" Kara gets shut up by a kiss from Lena.

When they part Kara just chuckles "Well, that's a way to shut me up."

Lena winks and looks at the movie again "The most effective way." 

Kara laughs, she is right. This is the most effective way. Distracting Kara with something way more important like Liam or Lena or of course food. But Lena is now next to her. Looking incredible... and maybe Kara can get Lena to bow down before her. Because that's what they did earlier today. 

So Kara acts on her needs, she pauses the movie which makes Lena look at her and with this mischievous grin she captures Lena's lips with her own. Luckily for them Liam's room is quite far away. Because Lena is quite loud, begging Kara for more, for relieving her.

That night they don't sleep much. But neither of them care. What matters is that they had fun, and quite some fun to be honest. They fall asleep in each others arms, Lena's fingers following the scar on Kara's back. 

A/N Comments and reviews are truly welcome.

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