Chapter 12 // Stuck

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Kara groans, her head hurts like hell. She slowly opens her eyes, she is on some sort of bed. But not hers... so where is she? Do Lena and her have another house? Probably, but this doesn't look like another house. Because Kara looks around and this looks like some castle. Grey stone walls, a fireplace, a couple of chairs, some sort of cabinet and a wardrobe.

There is a knock on the door, which makes Kara look at the door in the room. She quickly yells "Come in" The door opens and there stands Mon-El or Mike with this sheepish smile on his face. Holding a tray of food. 

He walks towards the bed and places the tray on it. He climbs on the bed and gives Kara a chaste kiss on the lips. He grins when he pulls back and says "Good day darling, I brought you food." He grabs a croissant from the tray and holds it out for Kara. Kara nods, she has no idea what is happening but play along. So she thanks him for the croissant and takes a bite, it actually tastes pretty good.

Some time and food later Mike suddenly asks "So, darling. Do you feel fine? Or does your head hurt? Otherwise I have something for you if needed." He holds out a pill and a glass of water. Kara happily takes it, she truly wants this headache to be gone so she can find Lena and Liam. Wherever they are, hopefully home. Wait- No, Lena was shot. Kara suddenly sweats because of fear. What happened to Lena? Hopefully she survived. But she groans again first the pill. So she quickly takes the pill and with that she lies down again. 

Suddenly she feels the bed shift and Mike lies down next to her. He puts his arm around her and asks "I am sorry that your head hurts. Mother said this could happen. But you are with us finally, mother and father will meet you soon at dinner but no worries they love you."

Kara automatically hums in response. Mostly automatically because she is thinking, he just said parents. Does that mean his parents are here? Human? Suddenly Mike lies closer, one of his arms over her stomach, holding her. He sighs content, he probably dreamt of this or something. 

After a couple minutes he lays his head on her stomach, she just can't take it anymore. Only Liam and Lena are allowed to cuddle like this with her. So she speaks up "Mike, what am I doing here?"

He looks up and his eyes meets hers, he smiles and says "Being with me of course, you, my girlfriend deserve everything, so I am giving you it. I will give you the fanciest wines, the best pizza's, the best clothes and many other things you would never have gotten if you stayed with that other woman."

Okay, okay. Don't freak out, just hum. Don't say anything, don't trust your voice. So she hums, he smiles and looks down again. Probably since this hurts his neck. But that doesn't matter does it? Kara should hate him... but that isn't Kara, she isn't good at hating people.

They lie there until the evening. When Mike suddenly stands up and grabs something out the wardrobe: a dress and heels. He gives it to Kara and says that he will wait outside for her to have some privacy. He is a gentleman... that's true. So Kara quickly changes and with that she walks out. Mike stands there with his back against a wall, waiting. He smiles brightly when he sees Kara and Kara just continues her mantra in her head Just play along

He holds his hand out to grab and Kara nervously holds it. He smiles even more and with that he starts walking with Kara beside him "I am happy you are being easy. Otherwise this all would have been way harder. You make me truly happy Kara El. And I will show you for as long as we will live that I love you and nobody else." Kara gulps down and nods, this is going to be harder than she thought.

They arrive at some big door, where somebody stands next to it. Holding it open for him and her. Kara smiles to the person who just nods back. She steps into the room and sees a big table with two people sitting at it. A woman and a man, probably his mother and father. 

Mike guides her to a chair and pulls it out for her to sit down. When she finally sits she nods to the two people who just smile back. Mike sits down next to her and says "Mother, father. This is Kara, the love of my life. She finally returned back to me."

The woman smiles to her son and then turns to Kara again "Hello Kara El, I am Rhea. Mike's mother, it's lovely to finally meet you. Our son couldn't stop talking about you. I have read about you online, you are quite special with your job and all. But you don't need to worry about that anymore. Mike will take care of you."

Dinner passes by pretty quickly with much small talk. And with that she goes back to their room again to bed. She quickly changes again and lies down in bed, not ten minutes later Mike joins her in bed, snuggling her. She can't complain. But it isn't Lena. He isn't Lena. He won't ever be Lena. And maybe that will be awful, but everything will be fine. It will only take some time and then Lena will get her. Maybe this is what it feels like to be in trouble. It just feels terrible, like every move can be a wrong one. Every look can cause problems. Mike might be truly nice, but he is like a sociopath. He is probably not stable, and that petrifies Kara. So when she finally falls asleep deep in the night she doesn't sleep quite well. 

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