Chapter 2 // A New Life

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The little boy squirms in her arms, so she sets him down and he makes his way onto the bed. Pulling Lena into a hug, Lena just chuckles and gives the boy a kiss on top of his head. She looks at Kara with this mischievous grin and says "Darling, come. We need to give Liam his morning" Kara chuckles and makes her way over. She lies down beside them and starts kissing Liam, who apparently is their son. She doesn't know what is happening but she needs to play along. 

The little boy, Liam now. Is probably only three but he is squealing happily when both his parents start to kiss him. Nothing more than a minute later they stop. Kara stands up and uses the weak excuse of going to the toilet. She walks to the bathroom, one of the three doors in the room. When she closes the door behind her she does a first pump. She got it right, this is the right door. She knew one of the three doors went to the hallway but the other one is still a mystery for her.

Let's get this straight: She just woke up in bed with Lena, a little boy named Liam called her mommy. She looks at her right hand (I am not Catholic so it's right hand for me) a wedding ring... So next thing added to the list. She is married, probably to Lena. So... she has a son, Liam. She is married to Lena. How is that even possible...

She sighs and slides down the wall. Wait, what more has changed? She quickly stands up and jumps in the air... but she doesn't float... she can't fly. Does that mean... no hopefully not. She tries her heat vision with avail. Does that mean she is human? But that can't be... how?

There is a knock on the door "Kara, darling. Are you alright? I heard some odd noises." 

Kara quickly answers with "Yes, sorry for making you worry."

She walks over to the toilet and flushes it. She walks back to the door and unlocks it. When she opens it Lena stands in front of her. With this concerned look on her face. Lena almost immediately pulls Kara into a hug and asks "Is this about the anniversary of their death coming?"

Kara thinks for a moment, is she talking about her parents? Yes? Okay... so she nods. Lena caresses her back and when they part she places a kiss on Kara's cheek. Sincerely she says "You know you can always talk to me, right?" Another nod from Kara. Lena is right, but she can't talk about this. Not yet. First she needs to know what is going on. Why she is human.

Lena holds out her hand for Kara to grab and Kara holds it. Together they walk into the hallway, it's quite a big one. There are many doors visible. But Lena just walks to the stairs. Downstairs it's pretty much an open floor plan. But Lena doesn't care, she just walks to kitchen with Kara where their son is getting all the ingredients needed for vegan pancakes.

Yes, vegan pancakes... and blueberries. They are going to eat vegan... gross. But that doesn't matter. Kara just takes place on the kitchen island. She knows her and cooking is a terrible mistake. So she watches Lena and their son make pancakes together. Not much time later the first pancakes were ready. Kara got three and she absolutely couldn't eat more. She is just full.

Their little boy talked about many things, like his Superman and Supergirl comics. Kara never knew they had comics about her but maybe it's different here. Since she isn't Supergirl. When Liam leaves to change Kara helps Lena clean the table suddenly Lena comments "I can see that it's hard for you. I will cancel dinner with the family. Ow and before I forget it Clark called. Maybe you should call him back."

Kara quickly agrees so Lena tells where her phone is, probably knowing that Kara won't find it in the living room on the coffee table. So Kara quickly makes her way to the living room and grabs her phone. She quickly searches for his contact and find it onder 'Favourite Cuz' Which is strange since he is her only cousin. 

Kal quickly answers with "Good day favourite cuz!

Kara just chuckles and slips out "Hello to you too Kal." 

She nervously waits for an answer since if she isn't Supergirl he probably isn't Superman "Still that nickname? I thought I lost it years ago... bummer."

Kara chuckles and fixes her mistake with "Sorry, Kal you are stuck with that nickname."

"But enough making fun of me, Lois and I thought it would be fun for us and Kyle to come in the vacation. Does that sound good?"

Kara smiles brightly at the thought of having Kal around "Yes, yes sure," Lena pops up in her head so she quickly says "But first I need to talk to Lena about it. But I don't think it will be that hard."

"I have to go. Lois is getting irritated! Speak to you later!" And with that their call ends. 

Kara sighs, Kal isn't Superman... that isn't good. So she is married to Lena, isn't Kryptonian, she has a son, her parents died... no idea how but they did. So she is basically human with a wife and son. Cool..? She stands up and shoves her phone in the pocket of her sweatpants. She quickly makes her way up and goes to their room. When she enters she hears Lena speak up from the third, still mystery door. "And how was you call with Clark?" 

"Great! He wants to come over in the vacation with Lois and Kyle, I said it won't be a problem. But I first need your opinion."

Lena chuckles and Kara walks into the room Lena's in. She stops dead in her tracks when she sees Lena almost naked, changing. "You have my blessing." Lena jokes

Kara quickly turns around... this is going to be fun.

A/N Comments/Reviews are truly welcome!

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