Chapter 18 // The Return

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Monday rolls around. Lena still doesn't has an answer why Kara had a mental breakdown. But that doesn't matter. What matters is that Kara is alright now. When Kara arrives at her office somebody is in it. She knows that person from quite some distance, which is her lie. Her eyes are quite bad, since she needs to wear glasses all the time, but it's James. 

James sits in one of the chairs in front of Kara's desk. So Kara steps in her office and makes her way over. He looks around and smiles gratefully that she hasn't thrown him out yet. She hangs her coat up and sits down in her chair. She folds her hands in each other and asks "James, what can I do for you."

He slowly nods and says "I am sorry Mrs. Luthor. But I- I- could I have another chance? I have been seeing a therapist now. Who is helping me with my behaviour. And- I like Catco. It's better than the Daily Planet because I didn't ruin much here yet. And I think I can do so much more at Catco, try to make it better."

Kara smiles, she had hoped for this. "So Mister Olsen, you are here even though I banned you from the building, begging for your job?" A small nod from James is enough so she says "Okay."

His eyes widen and he asks "Okay?"

Kara nods "Okay, you will get your job back. And I will try to convince my wife so you can make pictures and not sit around in the office all day." 

James eyes widen even more and he chuckles "Thank you so much Mrs. Luthor! I- I bought I gift if I might be employed again."

He grabs a cactus from a bag but Kara shakes her head. He looks confused as she says "Keep it. Make sure it grows big with all the years you are going to work for Catco." He smiles brightly and stands up holding out his hand.

When they shake hands he says "Thank you Mrs. Luthor, you have no idea how much this means to me." And with that he is off again. She gave James a second chance. Now is the special part going to be. She needs to call Lena. 

She quickly grabs her phone and calls Lena's number. After the third ring she answers "Hello honey, I don't have long. We are in a bit of a rush."

Kara chuckles but quickly says "I may or may not have employed one mister Olsen."

Kara suddenly doesn't hear Lena walking anymore. She sounds a bit mad when she says "You did what? You employed Jimmy Olsen again? Why? Give me one good reason.

Kara quickly jumps into action, literally. She jumps up from her chair and paces around the room when she explains "He has mad photographing skills. And I think he learned his lesson. Also, he is getting help from a therapist. He is clearly trying. So one last chance."

Lena only hums in response. But after some time she speaks up "Sorry, I was putting my heels on. But you are right, he is clearly putting effort in this. I trust your judgement. But I really need to go. I will speak to you later! Bye!

"Bye" And with that their call ends. 

She did it. She gave James a second chance, something he earned. She smiles brightly and turns spins with her chair. She did something great, maybe even perfect. She gave James his life back, his future. Only because he saw how bad everything was. How bad he behaved. That he needed to learn. But that means Lena sees a different James than everybody else. If Kara wished this he would be her friend. Not best friend since Winn has that place. But he would have been important. Not some guy on the side that did quite some wrong. 

But that means- Why was Lena even in that relationship? Wait- She is going to talk about this with Lena. Trying to be subtle, which she absolutely will ruin. But she will find an answer. 

So when she is alone in bed that night with Lena, who is quite stressed, she thinks now is the time while she massages her. "Lena?"

A hum in response is all what she gets back.

"If we weren't together and you loved me to what level would you go to be close to me? Date somebody close to me so you have somebody who is a bit like me? Even though that relationship is doomed to fail?"

Lena turns around and nods "Yes- I think I would. Um, you- you mean too much to me. And if I could even get a little part I would."

Kara pulls Lena into a hug, so that is the problem. She did it because she couldn't get Kara, or thought she couldn't get her. But- That's awful. Terrible even, Lena doesn't deserve that. She deserves to be loved, to have a relationship she actually enjoys with somebody she loves and loves her. But- Lena thinks she doesn't deserve that. She thinks having a part, maybe even if it's a little part of her, is worth it. Pushing down those feelings, just to get a little part of her. And not getting everything she wants, everything she could try to get. 

Kara sighs, she didn't expect this. She would have never expected this. But Lena did it. She dug a grave for herself. One that will hurt her in the end. Only to get some little part of Kara. Only to get love through friendship even when she wants so much more. When she could get so much more. And all it took was showing Kara how much she loves her. That's all it took. All it took to have Kara love Lena as more, much more. But she didn't have it- she- she didn't risk everything she had. Just because she was- is scared. Kara slowly starts to sob, why did she miss it. How could she ever miss something so big. Her bloody best friend loves her. And it's love from both sides.

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