Chapter 6 // Lazy Sunday

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Sundays might be Kara's favourite days. From waking up late to being in bed all day. Luckily for Kara and Lena they put clothes on around six because that morning around ten, late for both Kara and Lena, Liam walks in. Again being his cheerful self he snuggles between his parents. There he falls asleep again until eleven when Lena has to leave to go to the toilet. That makes Kara a bit more awake so she sits up. Her little boy is snuggled into her side.

She sits up with her back against the headboard. With her hand she goes through Liam's hair. Lena enters the room again and sits down at her side of the bed and says with a hushed tone "Alex and Lex asked if it's okay that they are going to come over today?" A nod from Kara. So Lena quickly grabs her phone and texts it to the people.

Kara looks from Lena back to the sleeping boy beside her and smiles, she truly can get used to this. Suddenly Lena leans over and places a chaste kiss on her lips. Kara grins from ear to ear when Lena moves away which makes Lena chuckle and shift a bit closer to Liam and Kara.

They lied there for another thirty minutes before Liam woke and needed to go to the toilet. Kara took the moment to kiss Lena a less appropriate kiss. Lena just winks when they part, Lena was teasing... making her want more. Kara would think she was a bitch but it's kinda smart. And maybe a little hot to... she is just... wow. 

And with that Lena leaves again, teasing Kara. And it's frustrating but it's for a better cause. Lena is going to make breakfast, so Kara turns on the television and searches for a movie to watch. She ends up with Finding Nemo so that Liam can enjoy a movie Kara absolutely enjoys. She starts the movie when Liam returns and sits up in bed. 

Lena returns some time later with breakfast, waffles and syrup. Also some fruits, mostly forest fruits but also some kiwi. Kara can't really complain, the fruit tastes quite good and Lena is one heck of a waffle maker. They enjoy their breakfast while they watch the movie. Kara bursts out laughing with the 'mine' scene, all seagulls wanting something and yelling mine. 

Lena just chuckles along and Liam also bursts out laughing, he probably got her sense of humour. Even though he probably doesn't have her DNA, because Lena was the one pregnant since she was the one with the belly on some of the family photos. 

They sit together until four when Lena needs to start cooking with the help of her two sous chefs. So they all quickly change into something more family appropriate attire. Downstairs Kara helps chopping things while teaching their son how to do it, what their son doesn't know is that he has a dull knife and he only needs to cut the mushrooms.

But they do it together and Kara absolutely loves it. Working together with their son while watching Lena cooking it. Maybe it's because she gets to test it and it's absolutely delicious. Lena is truly a good cook compared with Kara. 

In the meantime Liam and Kara set up the table, which is done pretty quickly since Liam walks back and forth and Kara gives him everything and helps him with placing it on the table. Lena said all of them will be nine. So probably Alex, Lillian, Lex, Lori, Lena, Liam, Winn, Kara and maybe Alex' child?

Around five the first people arrive. First are Lex and Lori. They greet as usual but they have a gift for Liam. He quickly opens it and it's a t-shirt that says: 'Big Cousin'. Kara and Lena both look up and Lex just nods and with that they are hugged and congratulated. They asks for Liam to put on his shirt and he does that in front of everybody. So Kara takes the chance when his old shirt was gone to attack him and blow a raspberry on his stomach. Liam squeals in delight and with that Kara let's him go again, he quickly changes because the doorbell rings again.

Next up is Lillian who hugs both Lena and Kara tight. When she sees Liam she stops dead in her tracks looking at Lex and Lori. Lori and Lex both grin and nod. And with that there is another round of congratulating. Liam isn't forgotten though, after the congratulations she walks to him, picking him up and kisses him on his head.

Not much later Winn arrives bearing some new toys for Lena, since apparently he works for L-Corp as head of R&D. And he came bearing wine even though Lena said he didn't need to bring anything but his lame excuse is "I need to bring something since I am not family." Which makes Lena probably a bit frustrated since she comments "Winn, we gave our son your name Liam Winslow Luthor. Of course you are family. Maybe not blood but Alex isn't too. And you matter too much to us." Winn demises it with a nod and goes further to greet his nephew.

The last two people to arrive were Alex and surprisingly Maggie, with a swollen belly. Maggie is pregnant... but she was against it? And now this? Lena truly thinks about everybody and anybody. Except James, so where is James? That doesn't matter now since Maggie gives her a clumsy hug. Kara smiles brightly to Lena and Alex who are looking at them with this loving look. 

This is way better, the two people who matter most in her life being happy. She didn't expect that happiness could be found with Kara for Lena. But apparently Lena had another idea and look at this. This is way better, a whole family. Complete with grandma and two extra children soon. Maybe three if Lena asks about it, because Kara isn't going to say no to children. 

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