Chapter 11 // Mike

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Tuesday morning, the day Kara takes Liam to school. That morning she awoke when Lena gave a kiss on her head so she quickly pulled her wife down for a very heated morning kiss. Lena is a bit drowsy when she leaves, almost bumping against the door frame but she manages to leave.

When their second alarm clock sounds, yes they have two, Kara quickly gets up. She changes and with that she walks to Liam's room. When she opens the door the little boy is already out of bed and changing. He doesn't notice the door opening so Kara just looks at him for some time. He jumps when she hears her clear her throat. Just like Lena

He smiles at his mother and runs towards her. She holds him and places a kiss on his head. While he murmurs "Morning"

Kara chuckles and places him on the ground again "Hey buddy, I am going to make breakfast. I will see you downstairs, okay?" A nod from him is enough for Kara to go downstairs. You can really tell Liam is Lena's son. He just truly smart, like that much that it is almost inhuman.

Downstairs she makes french toast, something she doesn't burn easily. And she succeeds, it doesn't burn. So when Liam walks up to her he can immediately eat. They are finished pretty quickly with eating which means they go upstairs and do the things they need to do in their separate bathrooms. 

Kara gets another message from their second driver David saying that he is outside waiting. So Kara walks downstairs and sees Liam already waiting there with his jacket on and backpack on his back. So she quickly grabs her bag and jacket and with that they are going to Liam's pre-kindergarten. 

The car stops when they arrive at Liam's school. Kara just quickly unbuckles Liam and together they walk to the school. Inside Liam immediately runs of to play with his friends, he yells "Bye mommy!" over his shoulder. Kara just chuckles and walks back to the car. 

But before she arrives at the car somebody suddenly walks beside her, she stops dead in her tracks when she hears his voice "Kara, I didn't know you kid went to this school," Mon-El... or Mike. She looks at him and he has this strange smile on his face. You can see he is a drunk... from how he looks, quite unfit, to his clothes. "How many years has it been, oh- I know four years. But you look great!"

He suddenly hugs her and Kara is completely stiff. He gives her a chaste kiss on the cheek and moves away when David pulls him away. David basically growls as he says "Get away from her."

Mon-El, no Mike moves his hands up in defence and says "Sorry about that, I will speak to you later." He winks and with that he walks away. It's quite creepy. But Kara doesn't think much of it, she just walks to the car and gets in. 

Around noon Eve walks in saying "Miss Luthor, a man is downstairs saying you two were going to get lunch together. Should I send him up?" Kara knows she doesn't promised anybody lunch but she is quite curious so she says yes to Eve. 

Not five minutes later Mon-El walks in with Big Belly Burger. He has this weird smile on his face again. "Hello Kara," He closes the doors behind him and says "So darling, I got your favourite," Kara stiffens again. What is he doing? Kara just sits there, so he takes a seat in front of her and grabs a burger out of it and places it in front of Kara. Kara just eyes the food since he also got some fries out of it. "And to top all of it! sauce!" He grabs a couple of sacks of sauce out of his bag... he is kinda right. Kara usually orders this at Big Belly Burger. 

She eyes the food hungrily but shakes her head and looks at Mike "Mike, what are you doing?" 

He stops getting his food out and says "Treating you right darling, like I have always done."

Kara nods hesitantly, she absolutely has no idea what is happening. Why he is doing this, but it's not right. Not a single bit. Luckily for her there is a knock on the door and Lena walks in with food in hand. Lena inspects Kara and probably sees something is wrong since her gaze hardens. 

Mike turns around and Lena says "Mike, what are you doing here?"

He stands up and walks closer to Lena, trying to be scary but Lena's demeanour doesn't change one bit. He almost growls as he says "I am treating my girl right. Since apparently nobody else can do it."

Lena smirks "I think you are wrong there, I treat her right. I fill her every need. From sex to food. I do it all, I give her all my love and all my happiness. So, if you would kindly back off from my wife that would be much appreciated."

Mike or Mon-El, Kara isn't sure yet, shakes his head "No, no. She isn't yours. She is mine. And will always be mine. I gave her everything and I will give her everything." Suddenly he pulls a gun out and Lena suddenly takes a step back. But she is too late, a shot is fired. She screams in pain and falls to the ground. Kara rushes to her side. But Mike grabs her and sticks a syringe in her neck. He pours the liquids in her and with that Kara's vision becomes blurry and slowly but surely she falls asleep. Not because she wants to but she just can't hold her eyes open anymore. The last thing she remembered was Mike holding her up while Lena whimpered in pain. 

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