Chapter 9 // James

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James stands there in full glory... and with full glory it means that he changed a bit... he doesn't have a six pack anymore. No, no he is not fit. He actually has a bit of a stomach. But Kara still sits there with her mouth open while Lena cleans everything. So she quickly closes her mouth and stands up. She gives Lena one last kiss on the lips and says "Go, I will finish this." And with that she mentions for James to come in and puts the trash in the trash can. 

James sits down on one of the chairs in front of Kara's desk and Kara quickly makes her way over, and with quickly she means she just walks normal speed. She sits down and inspects James again, he wears a blue shirt with black pants. His clothes didn't change, good. But he has two sweat marks at his armpits.

He sits there quite nervous since Kara doesn't speak up but just looks at him. He jumps a little when she speaks up with this too formal tone for friends, since she doesn't know if they are friends "And what can I do for you Mr. Olsen?"

He looks at her wide-eyed and says "Mrs. Luthor, I appreciate being the director of the art department since the daily planet didn't want me anymore but I think- I should do fieldwork again."

Kara leans back in her chair and hardens her gaze and asks "And why do you think you should do fieldwork? Isn't your job searching for the best photos from your photographers? And make sure we have the best front?"

He nods hesitantly, clears his throat and speaks up "Kara, I know that I wasn't nice to Clark back at the Daily Planet but please- just give me a chance." Kara opens her mouth to respond but decides against it. So- he? He bullied Clark? Is that why he got removed from the Daily Planet? But if he is a bully than that means he needs to learn a lesson.

"You want to do fieldwork huh?" A nod from Jimmy "Well, Jimmy. That isn't a part of your job. I think you should appreciate that you have a job. So, the answer you will get is no."

Jimmy's face gets red as he stands up. And yells "Fucking hell Kara! I already said sorry to you for bullying Clark! Don't be like this! Just be nice! Give me my chance!"

Kara chuckles, actually chuckles. He sits down again and looks down "Look, Jimmy. Cursing at your boss is a bad decision. Bullying is a worse decision. So I will ask it once nicely. Go back to your department and don't come up here apart for work related things." 

He nods and walks the walk of shame. Since everybody heard what he said. Kara actually enjoyed this a bit, being the boss... being a bit colder and things like that. But she needs advice, who will she ask... Winn? That might be the easiest. She would have asked Clark but since Clark got bullied he is the one that has problems with James.

So she stands up and asks Eve to make sure she has the afternoon off, even though she had two meetings left. She also asks Eve to fetch Winn, which sounds strange... fetch- but that doesn't matter all she asked was of Eve to get Winn.

She returns to her desk and sits on her chair, she leans back and thinks. What should she do? Suddenly there is a knock on the door and she looks up. Winn stands there, a box of doughnuts in his hands. He walks in with this sympathetic smile, he places the box on her desk and whispers "Don't tell the wife about it." And with that he sits down. Kara bursts out laughing and sees Eve close the doors. 

She grabs a doughnut and takes a bite from it. When her mouth is empty again she speaks up "I have a dilemma," Winn hums for her to continue while he eats his doughnut. "You know Jimmy Olsen right?"

"Yes, yes. That asshole who bullied Clark." 

Kara nods "Yes, him. He just asked me to give him permission to do fieldwork. Wander around the city all day to get pictures. But I didn't think he deserved it so he blew up on my face. What do you think I should do?"

Winn smiles and says "Got to hear that I am still your adviser if needed. Heck I might even be your right hand! But you- Kara Luthor must phone your wife about this. I think it would be smart to fire him since he is just disrespectful like hell. The only thing he wants is power. And befriending you will give it, that's why he tried to break up Lena and you some time ago."

Kara nods, she might didn't know this but Winn is right. If he did that he must be a terrible, so both finish their doughnut sand with that Kara thanks Winn for his advice. He makes his way out again. She quickly grabs her phone and checks Lena's schedule, nothing now. So she calls her number and it doesn't ring for long.

"Lena Luthor speaking."

"Hello Lena, Kara here. I need your help with some personal problem with a employee." She doesn't know why she sounds so formal but she just rolls with it.

"Darling, about who are we speaking?"

"Jimmy Olsen."

Lena stays silent for a moment until she suddenly says "Fire him. Just fire him. I don't care what he did just make sure he is fired. Wait- No let me. I will be there this evening and then I will fire him personally. Just make sure he stays. Okay?

"Yes, yes. Sure honey. You may fire him if you want to. That means I get to see you before dinner. I will see you later Lena!"

Lena chuckles and says goodbye. James actually gets payback for the first time. Good. Bullies aren't aloud around Catco. Especially not when Kara is around.

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