Chapter 16 // Tomorrow

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Saturday, the day Clark, Lois and Kyle visit. Yesterday has been pretty boring with Liam still being sick, but feeling better, and Lena staying in bed all day since Kara kept a close eye on her. She knows Lena will try to do something alone which she isn't allowed to. Luckily Winn came over around noon to keep his favourite nephew, his only one, company. Apparently when Kara isn't there to do her job, Winn is the highest ranking person at Catco, which is good because she trusts Winn.

Luckily today is a better day, Lena and Liam both feel better. So Liam is probably on sous chef duty tonight. It's a good thing that Lois is going to cook because if Kara tried to cook it would have ended rather... black. The food wouldn't have been... well food. But right now Kara slowly paces around the living room while Lena and Liam, who got permission from Kara to be close to his mother again, are playing a game on the Switch.

It looks like they are quite competitive but Kara doesn't spare a glance, she is just thinking how to do this. She absolutely feels terrible and has no idea why- which is a lie. She knows why, she actually enjoyed being with Mike a little. A little like in almost nothing, but almost nothing is something. So she feels terrible because she wants more from Lena, but she already got so much. Lena has given her this much, but she just misses their together time from time to time, she did have that with Mon-El- No, Mike.

She sighs and walks away to her bedroom, it is no use to think about this kind of stuff in front of your child. She sits down on the bed and just thinks, she thinks about what is going to happen and what is happening. Because she knows one thing for sure, that she isn't supposed to be here. She puts her head in her hands and breathes heavily. It's just unfair, whoever thought this was fun to do is wrong. Completely wrong. Because she enjoys this life more than her real one. She even loves this life, she loves being with Lena and having a child. Being human, not expected to be perfect.

She completely missed somebody enter the room until the person sits next to her and the bed moves a little. Suddenly she feels two arms wrap around her, but she doesn't know who it is. Suddenly a guy speaks up, Clark "It's okay... I am sorry you have to feel this way." Slowly but surely Kara starts sobbing. Clark just rubs her back and says nice things, and it helps. About five minutes later Kara sits up and wipes away her tears. 

She mutters out "Thanks," and for the first time she looks at Clark "Sometimes it's just too much. And the problem is I actually enjoyed some parts with that crazy guy."

Clark sighs and says "From what I have heard from Lena you got all the attention. It was just him and you. And if you imagine it being Lena and you it would have been... a great time. Just relaxing and being together with no child, nothing you need to do. And I think that it's okay to long for that with Lena."

Kara nods, he is right. She is allowed to long for some alone time with Lena, just being the first priority at both sides. Not that she doesn't love Liam... but being just with Lena is new. It's exciting, a whole new adventure. One that won't stop being interesting. But that means she needs alone time with Lena, and she doesn't really have that. 

Kara sighs and stands up she turns towards Clark when he says "We can take Liam on Sunday and go to the zoo if you like?" 

She smiles brightly and nods. She hugs him and he hugs back "Thanks cuz. I have no idea what I would have done without you."

He chuckles and sincerely says "You Kara, are meant for great things. I am sorry I couldn't be there for you when you were younger. But don't think there isn't a day where I do not think about you. You are my only living blood family left and I will do everything to make you live up to your full potential. Something you haven't been close yet." 

Kara nods, he is truly a good cousin. Way better than he was as Superman. They part and with that they go downstairs. That evening when Kara and Lena are in bed together Lena speaks up "What happened? One minute you were pacing around the room and the other you were gone. Not that something is wrong with it. But I am just wondering..."

Kara sighs and turns to her wife so she lays on her side "I- I feel bad about being kidnapped. Because to some point I actually enjoyed it. And I feel terrible about that, because I shouldn't enjoy being captured. But the attention I got... that just kept me thinking. Our lives might be pretty interesting but from time to time we just need to think about each other. Only you and me. So... Sunday Liam is going with Lois, Clark and Kyle to the zoo or something like that. So it will be just you and me." 

Lena nods and places a hand on Kara's shoulder "I am sorry you felt that way, but you are right. We sometimes need to think about each other. And it isn't wrong if you felt like that, sometimes our jobs are just... a tad too much. And we are still quite young so we need to think about this. We need to speak if we want something otherwise we might miss it. So I am sorry Kara, it wasn't my intention. Nor will it ever be my intention that you feel that way." Kara smiles at Lena and pulls her in for a kiss. Today might have been a bit of a bad day but tomorrow... tomorrow is a new day.

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