The breakdown

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Okay so, welcome! The setting is after civil war but all grudges have been forgotten, Peter is 15 and everyone is the same. Tony has been taking care of Peter while May has been working, the day is Friday and it's 3:53pm

Peter P.O.V
I rushed into my room, it was a mess, I failed my training session, I didn't finish my homework on time, ugh I'm such a failure compared to all the other Avengers, I'm only 15, I could never be like them and with all these thoughts running through my mind, I broke down, I started crying, I heard the door open and I tried to stop crying but I couldn't,
"Hey Peter..?"
It was Tony, I cried a little more because I didn't want him to see me like this. He sat down next to me,
"Go away..."
"Come here kid"
He moved me into his chest, I didn't care, he let me cry into him.

Tony P.O.V
This poor kid was crying into my sweater, I didn't care, I felt awful, I didn't prepare him for his training or give him enough time to do this homework, his room was a mess which probably made his mental health worse, that's what Pepper said at least, I had an idea though, I rubbed his back and lifted him up, he was weirdly light. I made my way through his room, and looked out the door, no one around, didn't want to embarrass the kid, we made it to my room, that was much cleaner, I walked in and put him on the bed and I knelt in front of him, Peter was still crying,
"Peter I need to tell you what's wrong"
He muttered under his breath, I hugged him again and sat next to him on the bed, I heard little whispers behind my door, I guess someone saw us, Peter started crying again. Snot ran down his face, I grabbed a tissue and wiped his nose
"I'm not a baby.."
"Too bad, you seem sick too.."
"Why are we in your room?"
"Because it's cleaner in here and I can change my sweater as soon as you don't need me as a human tissue"
He laughed a little and I sat him on my knee,
"Listen to me, anytime you need anything, come tell me, if any of the others try to poke fun at you, tell me, if you get hurt during training, tell me, if you need time to study or if you need help, tell me!"
"Okay" he sniffed, I hugged him tighter and rubbed his back, his eyes were really red and puffy,
"Okay you stay here, I'll be back in 2 seconds, try to lay to lay down and chill"
He lied down, I walked outside to see; Natasha, Steve, Bucky and Thor
"Is he okay?" asked Natasha
"Yes he is, use this against him and I'll fire you" I said,
"Why is he crying" asked Steve,
"The kid is stressed out of his mind, I'm giving him a break"
"Okay but like, important question, why are you literally his dad?" Natasha asked and Steve nodded,
"Yeah Tony, it's..interesting"
"The kid hasn't really had anyone to talk to, he's a teen why would he talk to his female aunt?"
Natasha smiled,
"Well, we need to leave" They all scoffed, but has they leaved, I saw Bucky and Steve hold hands. I walked back in and saw Peter just sitting on the bed,
"Pete I want to talk to you, do you mind if we go see May?"
"But my eyes are all puffy"
"Yeah, but I'm doing the talking"
"Um okay, are you going to change?"
"Ah, yeah, go wait in the car" I gave him the keys and he left

Peter P.O.V
I was walking toward the car and someone grabbed my shoulders, I turned around and it was Natasha,
"Hey buddy, how are you?"
"Better now, Mr Stark was really helpful.."
"That's nice, where are you going?"
"Tony wants us to go see Aunt May"
"Ah okay, ood"
She smiled and walked off, I got to the car and opened it and sat down next to the drivers seat, about 5 minutes later Tony sat down and we started driving towards her apartment,
"Now I want you to listen close to this, how do you see May?"
"Well she's never really felt like a motherly figure, but she's always been there, it's just I can't relate to her to much which makes her kinda hard to talk to"
"Am I easy to talk too?" I was kinda confused and a little stunned by his question,
"W-well yeah, I found it really..nice to talk to you, even though I was mainly crying"
He smiled but didn't say anything, we pulled into park and as we were going up the elevator he squeezed my hand, which made me feel really safe. He knocked on the door and May opened, she was wearing blue jeans and a black turtle neck,
"Peter!!" She ran up and hugged me really tight
"I missed you Petey!!"
"I missed you too"
"Oh hi Tony!"
"Hello May, could we sit down and talk?"
"Is this the thing you called me about?"
She opened the door fully and I sat down on the couch,
"You you two want a drink?"
"No thanks May" she smiled
"A black coffee" Tony sat down next to me, he looked so different compared to when I first met him, he was so tough and when I accidentally hugged him, him seemed so awkward, but he's being really maternal, it's so nice and comforting, May gave Tony his coffee and sat down across from us, she had a sad kind of smile on her face,
"Peter sweetie Tony and I want to ask you something"
I titled my head at her, Tony put my hand in the middle of his
"We've been taking a lot, you know how I talking about how you feel about May, like relationship wise"
"Petey honey, even though I loved talking care of you, you need someone you can rely on a little more, if it's okay with you, Tony was thinking about adopting you"
I was stunned, Tony squeezed my hand, I was happy but I was sad
"It'll just be more helpful since you're an Avenger" I nodded
"What about my stuff?"
"I can organize that Pete"
"Peter what do you say? And don't think about me, I've agreed"
"Yeah, I'd like that"
Tony hugged me, it was nice, I think I'll enjoy him being my father
"When can I visit May?"
They both answered
"Whenever you want"
We laughed
~Time skip~
All of my stuff was in my Avengers room, I can't believe I was living here permanently, Tony had already told everyone the news and now Thor was calling me "Son of Stark" which made me stutter. I loved being an Avenger, the adoption papers had been signed and sent out, but I kept seeing Bucky and Steve flirt, which is really cute, I had to go back to school on Monday which made me annoyed but I know Ned will freak when he hears I've been adopted by Tony Stark.

This is how Tony was carrying Peter, it's his preferred way of carrying him,

This is how Tony was carrying Peter, it's his preferred way of carrying him,

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