I got tagged?!

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I've never been tagged before lol so here we go

1. My friends often called me Moyai like the 🗿
2. Sushi!
3. I hate to say this but probably..my little pony i wAS LIKE SIX
4. One of my friends are mentioned in the Beetlejuice series, but I changed her name to keep her anonymous
5. IPad one

Phone one

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Phone one

Phone one

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6. I would be lying if I said I didn't like Spideychelle
7. 4th of January
8. i) being kidnaped
ii) being drowned
iii) loosing my friends or family
iv) failing anyone
v) being set on fire
9. Brown hair with grey blue eyes
10. At the moment I love 'Wagon on Fire' from TTO (Trail to Oregon)
11. I had so many ideas swirling in my head that I wanted to share and get feedback on
12. I've always loved Spider-Man, back when I was a little girl the Spider-Man comics were my favorites
13. Super_author_chick

Welp that's all I'm going to do because I need to do homework
Thank you for tagging me @therealquestionis

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