"There's a stranger in my bed"

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1. If none of you get the reference in the title I'm suing, 2. The setting is the same as the last chapter but Peter was officially adopted by Tony and Pepper Stark, It was a Sunday morning (Tony made sure the adoption paper got approved as fast as possible)

Steve P.O.V
I woke up in my bed but my bed, had Bucky in it, I was confused and my head hurt, but then I heard a knock on the door,
"Jesus Steve, you look awful"
I wiped my eyes, it was Natasha, some memories came back, but I was still confused on why Bucky was in my bed,
"I think I've either got a hangover or I hit my head"
"It's probably a hangover buddy, you drank like sailor last night"
"Really? Um why?"
"Did you seriously forget?" She looked pissed
"It's about Peter, Tony?"
"Wait! Petey got adopted right?"
"Yeah, by Tony"
"Yeah, yeah!" Memories came back completely, Natasha leaned on the door railing, amused,
"So you all got drinks except for me, Tony and Pete, Bucky got blackout drunk and crashed in your room, like literally crashed and you put him in your bed and said to everyone, 'don't worry I can handle this!' 10 minutes later we came home and found everyone asleep and you and Bucky asleep together, then Petey told us about all the times he saw you too being all lovey-dove. Care to explain?" She smiled and I played with my sleeves,
"What's this about lovey-dovey?" Bucky got out of bed and put his arm on my shoulder,
"Perfect now I can get an answer from both of you"
"Nah, perry-oyster Stevie?" Bucky walked down the stairs while Natasha glared at him,
"Thanks Buck"
"You know no one cares if you're dating"
"We aren't though, but I was hoping I could get your help.."
"Definitely, I could tell you had a crush on him"
"Really? Shit"
"Language!" Tony walked past with a coffee in hand and a smaller mug with what seemed to be tea, definitely heading to Peters room,
"Sorry dad"
He groaned,  Natasha and I laughed,
"Set up a simple date, coffee, movie, mission.."
"Why would we go do a mission together?"
"I don't know, I would find it romantic"
"Yeah well that's you, Bucky's sweet, charming, charismatic—"
"Telling sweet-nothings about me Stevie?"
Bucky was on the top of the stairs, smiling.

Bucky P.O.V
Steve played with the hair at the back of his head and looked at the floor, he was blushing, I knew he had a crush on me and I'm like %99.9 that I do too
"Drink the perry-oyster then we're getting coffee, yes I'm helping you make the first move"
"I'd love to Buck, are we going to that one place near the organic grosser?"
"You know it"
"Get a room" Natasha scoffed and walked away. Peter then also walked past laughing and mouthed 'I heard everything'
I muttered under my breath "little shit"
"Language!" Tony walked past, following Peter down the stairs
"Are you making breakfast?"
"Obviously, do you want some?"
"Yeah, thanks, Stevie?"
He turned to me, "Shh," he turned to Tony "Yes, thank you Tones"
"Mmhm, definitely not dating"
"I swear to god Tony"
"Calm down Steve and drink the perry-oyster"
I handed him the remedy and he smiled sheepishly. I downed mine and he sipped it until he looked at me, saw I was done and downed his.
"Get dressed punk, then meet me in the shed, not Tonys, the other one"
"Alright, cya"
Steve's P.O.V
I waited for my long time crush for what seemed like ages, I tugged at my shirt anxiously, and many questions ran through my head why did he want to meet in here? does he even like me? He tried to shake those thought as he saw the familiar smirk Bucky had plastered on his face,
"We're going on a ride Stevie"
"On your bike?!" He smiled at the alarm in my face,
The date was so good, we were sat at a cute table and we just talked, it was nice to not be incredibly stressed and nervous, we both hadn't talked about our relationship until now,
"Stevie, since this is a date, let's talk about what we want this to be"
"Well I've always had a crush on you.." I saw him smile "and I love spending time with you"
"Me too, I think we should go on steady and see where it goes"
I was overjoyed,  I jumped over to him and hugged him,
"When do we tell the other losers?" I laughed and looked at my beautiful brunette,
"Whenever you feel comfortable Buck"

Thank you for dealing with my awful writing, I don't really like this as much but I knew I had to write for one of my favorite ships. <3

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