Never again..

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Omg it's me again, I'm soy famous, It's the usual, Peter is Tony's and Stephan's son, he's 15 and he's dating MJ

<2 Messages

Guys I need your help


I didn't even tell you what was wrong

Fine. What's up?

Bro you've typing for like 3 minutes

Help, I heard some of the teachers talking about a field
trip to Stark Towers! You know, the place I live and Dad
just found out about my musical obsession so I feel like he's
going to embarrass me, like a lot😩

Can we get an F in the chat?


Ew I've got to go, cya pitiful children

Cya looser

You guys make too many theatre references

I put my phone back on the charger and made my way to the elevator,
"Friday take me to Dad"
The AI didn't respond but the elevator moved up, I bounced on toes until I heard the familiar bing, I walked in to see everyone on the couches,
"Peter hurry up, bonding night"
"I'm pretty sure we've watched all movies in existence"
"Then you pick something "
"You'd make fun of me"
"Lemme guess, Hairspray?"
"Little Shop of Horrors?"
"Daddd stop"
"Does Peter have a thing for musicals?" I groaned as I saw Clint's annoying smirk,
"Yes, yes he does"
I punched Dad and hid under my blanket as most of the Avengers laughed,
"Peter? What is this thing you call a musical?"
I popped my head out of the blanket slightly to look at Thor,
"You're missing out, Friday, put Little Shop of Horrors on"
"Do you need me to fight this 'Shop of Horrors'?"
"No, no, just watch the movie"
"Peter I dare you to sing every song"
"I don't even know—" I was cut off by Tony's loud and obnoxious laughter,
"Peter, you know every song!"
"Fine, I hate you"
"Little Shop, Little Shop of Horrors! Little Shop, Little Shop of Terrors call the cop, Little Shop of Horros, oo, oo, o, oOOoo"
I sang in my best fake high pitched voice as the first song played, everyone managed to keep in their laughter until we got to Somewhere that's Green, even Natasha lost it.

This was so bad, but I need to publish it so their wouldn't be any gaps, their will be a part 2, hint is in the messages, it's very obvious

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