A hero even without a suit

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*slides down slope* good evening
Hey y'all, this oneshot includes sexual harassment but not to much but, ( ^ - ^ ) will be your warning, Peter is sixteen in this and he's Tony and Peppers boi, Wade is also his boyf

Peter P.O.V
I was finishing some homework when my pen died, I grabbed another but it was dead too,

"Maybe I should grab some pens" I though out loud, "Hey Fri?"

"Yes Peter?"

"Is Target still open?"

"Yes the Target closest to you is open at the moment"

"Great, where's Dad?"

"Boss is in a meeting with Mrs Stark and another company"

"If I'm not back by the time he's finished can you tell him where I am?"

"Of course Peter"
I grabbed my wallet, phone and my StarkPods, brushed my fingers through my hair so I looked reasonably okay and I left.

Third P.O.V
Peter started his walk down to the central mall listening to the 'Falsettos' album, he thought about the other things he might need or that his dad might need, coffee beans, Pop Tarts, Oreos, knifes, the list goes on. Peter opted to just get what he needed and one of the adults could whatever they needed.
As Peter walked into the mall he saw that his favorite cafe was still open, it had the best boba so he got some, he saw a cute lesbian couple their too, his day seemed to be going wonderfully.

Peter walked out of Target with an empty cup of boba and multiple pens packages, his great day seemed like it couldn't go wrong but it did, he walked over to the nearest bin which just happened to be near the bathroom entry, he heard soft sniffles, Peter immediately knew something was wrong. He walked carefully towards the male entrance hallway,
( ^ - ^ )
"Please let me go" a teen girl wearing a tennis skirt and a black turtleneck was pinned against a wall by a large man wearing baggy jeans and a black hoodie,

"But baby, your boobs are huge, perfect size for my huge cock" he growled at her,

"I'm a lesbian I have a girlfriend" she trembled under his glare

"Invite her with us, I can watch you two fuck" tears rolled down her cheeks, (all over now) Peter had heard enough. Peter ripped him off her, holding him up by his collar,

"You lay off her and anyone, you hear me you human scum?" Peter said venom dripping out of his voice, the girl stayed there, just looking, Peter threw him to the floor and the man groaned in pain, "Are you okay?"

"Uh no" she unsurely mumbled

Peter chuckled, "Fair enough, seriously do you have anyone to take you home? What's your name"

She laughed nervously, "My names Madeline and yeah my girlfriends waiting in Lush"

"Alright, I'll take you to her, explain to her what happened" she gave him a small but grateful smile. Peter and Madeline made their way to bed bath and body works, she nervously glanced around until they saw it, she sped up making a b-line to the candle isle,

"Brie?" She called out, a girl with platinum blonde hair done into twin braids looked up at her, noticing the tears in her eyes,

"Are you okay babe?" Madeline forced herself into her arms, letting Brie hold her close, Peter revealed himself at that time,

"Hi I'm Peter, uh your girlfriend was being assaulted by a gross ass dude so I brought her to you" Brie's eyes filled with rage,

"You've got to be fucking kidding me, Imma go beat him up" Brie held her girlfriend close to his chest, Peter chuckled

"I think I might if broken one of his bones, but if there's anything I can do I'd be happy too" Madeline gave him a soft smile,

"Peter right?" Brie asked, he nodded, "Thank you, really"

"Well us gays gotta sick together right?" He joked, the couple giggled,

"Of course, thank you again"

"Seriously it's not a problem, I'll see you around" Peter waved as he walked away.

Peter walked into his bed room, placing his pens on his desk, heading out to kitchen,

"Hey Mom" Peter called out to Pepper as he entered the kitchen,

"Oh hey Pete, where were you?"

"The mall, I had to get some pens"

"Ah, of course, well can you set the table then get Friday to get everyone in here?"

"Easy" Peter grabbed knifes and forks, enough for twelve, then some plates.

"Oh Pete, we'll have a guest"

"Ooh who?" Peter asked as he grabbed another plate,

"Can't tell you, it's a surprise" Pepper winked and Peter chuckled. He finished setting the table and called everyone out, eventually everyone came out, they started their usual conversations until Clint asked,

"Anything interesting happen at Target Pete?" He joked

"Yeah actually" Everyone looked over at him including their mystery guest who was at the entrance and only Pepper noticed, "This fucking creep had this fourteen year old pinned on the wall and I ripped him off her and brought her back to her girlfriend" the rest of the table was silent not expecting that kind of story.

"Jeez Pete, you ever take a saving people break?" The guest asked,

"Aunt Carol!" Peter launched himself at Carol Danvers aka Captain Marvel, "When did you get here? We're you the guest mom was talking about?"

"The one and only and I got here soon enough to hear your story, this is why I love ya kid" She ruffled his hair then sat down at the spare seat between Natasha and Peter, Peter also sat down in his seat, talking to the two very capable women.

1. I've been preparing for my singing exam and my eisteddfod
2. I've had a huge moment of writing block
3. I'm just so busy lmao

Updates will be regular again :))

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