Avengers? Assemble?

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i'VE bEEN DREAMING OF a TRue loves kiss
Holy shit, I've been meaning to do this request for ages and I'm so sorry for doing it so hecking late
Thank you to @Rue171
In this Peter is Tony's actual intern but he's also Spider-Man, he's seventeen

Peter P.O.V
I walked into the elevators of Stark towers, scanning my badge on the panel under the buttons,
"Friday please take me to Mr Stark"
"Yes Peter, he is currently in the lab"
I smiled to myself, I got to stay at the tower today due to a long project and because Mr Stark said so. I stepped out of the elevator into the lab,

"Hey Mr Stark" I said, putting my bag on the hook

He looked up at me and smiled, "Hey kid, as much as I would love for you to hang with me me for a bit I need you to go figure some stuff out with my September foundation kids, there's been a problem and I trust you to figure it out" he got out of his seat and put a screwdriver on my shoulder, "tally ho' dearest intern"

I smirked, "Will do Mr Stark" I grabbed my StarkPad and rushed out towards the elevator, "Hey Friday, I need you to send me to the September foundations lab, apparently there's a problem"

"Yes Peter, there is a large argument going on and Boss said, "I don't want to crush any dreams" so he needs to you to fix it because he definitely can't" The sarcasm in the A.I's voice made me chuckle.

"Thanks Fri" I pushed open the door to the lab and heard immediate yelling,

"You dumb ass kid! You fucked it up!"

"I didn't touch your dumb ass project"

"Can you guys ple—"




"AY" I yelled, hearing enough, all of them looked over at me, "What the hell is going on here?" Absolutely no one answered until the man I guessed was Luke said,

"Who are you?"

"I am Mr Starks personal intern, give me all your names then tell me why all of you are screaming at each other which is highly inappropriate in this setting"

"My name is Chelsea" a skinny girl with dirty blonde hair done up in a bun said, I typed that down then looked at the girl nearest her,

"I'm Jacinta" a girl with a black pixie hair cut said, I didn't recognize her voice but I wrote her down anyway, before I could look up the same guy said

"I'm Luke Valentine" he look like a classic f-boy, I wrote him down with a sigh,

A girl with light brown hair tied into a pony tail said "I'm Lauren" I also recognized her voice. I wrote down six other names then I asked again,

"So what happened before I walked in?" I looked at Lauren and Luke before scanning the room, I noticed Chelsea had tears welling in her eyes, "Chelsea what happened?" Everyone's eyes turned to her.

"Um, well earlier this week something went wrong and a small portion of our lab exploded and a bit of Jancita's papers burnt but she wasn't as mad but Luke said that they were his but they weren't, but today Luke was upset because his A.I isn't working as well as it was yesterday so he thinks Lauren ruined it because she's the second youngest" I nodded while I finished writing her statement,

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