Bettlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice

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Hey folks! Beggin' your pardon, cuse' me sorry to barge in
I've been dying to write a one shot where Peters in a school musical and Beetlejuice kinda just worked, so go listen to the soundtrack! (Some parts won't make sense if you don't lmao) He's 16 and Wade is 18, also idk about American schools but we use google classroom a lot which is an app where students join and teachers post the work (or in this case audition and rehearsal information)

Third P.O.V
"Is that all of them" Tony asked his star struck son who had just met THE Alex Brightman, THE Sophia Anne Caruso, THE Kerry Butler, THE Rob McClure and of course the rest of the main cast, so he simply just nodded and clutched his signed Playbill,
"Pete are you okay?"
"I'm so happy" he muttered, grabbing his dads hand,
"Are you sure?"
"I think I'm gonna pass out"
"Please don't, the cars right there"
Thankfully they made it into the car both of them sitting in the back with Happy driving,
"How was it?"
"It was great, Pete even got to meet them"
Peter just nodded still completely in awe, when they met the cast he was able to talk and have a conversation with them but as soon as they left he was just stuck,
"Kid are you sure you're good?"
"I'm just so happy"
"Will I be getting a thank you anytime soon?"
"Oh sh— Thank you so much Dad, I love you" Tony just laughed, 
"Are you going to show me the little thingys you got at the gift store?"
Peter pulled out Beetlejuice themed pins, badges, phone cases and pop sockets,
"Are those for Ted and JJ?"
"Ned and MJ and yes, they'll be jealous as heck, but I got their playbills signed so they should be happy"
"Are you more inspired to practice your singing now?"
"Of course! Even Rob McClure said I could play Adam one day which is an insane compliment from someone on Broadway"
"I would love to see you in a musical Pete"
"I wish our theatre teacher would experiment more, I would kill to do Beetlejuice but it needs a set and some of the words changed, I already have a cast in my head"
"Hmm interesting" Tony had an idea, he could definitely pull a couple of strings.

~ ~ ~

Peter was in maths waiting for an email, Mrs Campbell said the reveal of the musical would go up during 4th period, he had already finished the worksheet so he was scrolling through Pinterest when he got the email, finally he thought, going onto his email, he gave MJ and Ned their presents during first break so he was already on a high expecting it to be crushed because they would be doing a trash musical.


"Holy shit!" Peter thought out loud, only MJ hearing him but she didn't care, she was thrilled, this was her chance to prove to everyone that she could sing and that she belonged on a stage.

~ ~ ~

"DADDD" Peter yelled as he ran out of the elevator on the main lab floor, some interns gave him a funny look but Peter just ran to Tony's lab,
"DAD DAD DAD DAD" Peter repeated running up to his dad under a car,
"Peter, Peter, Peter, Peter!" Tony mimicked rolling out from under the car, completed covered in oil,
"I'll guess if you stop yelling"
"Sorry! I'm just so excited"
"What's up?" Tony said with a smirk, knowing his plan had worked,
"We're doing Beetlejuice! There's even a special secret sponsor— hold on" Peter paused, to look at his dad and his sneaky smirk,
"Are you-did you-wait—seriously?"
"Finish one of those questions and I'll answer"
"Are you the sponsor?"
"Depends, are you going to be mad?"
"No! I will be very happy but mad if you try to cheat me into a lead role"
"Well yeah, I thought I could help with the set maybe ask Jed to help m—" Peter crashed into Tony pulling him into a huge hug, his father accepted it,
Peter then quickly pulled himself out of the hug with wide eyes leaving Tony confused,
"What the hell am I going to sing?"
"Peter the audition information isn't even out yet"
"I have to call Sam"
"Singing teacher remember?"
"Oh yeah, don't you have your lesson tomorrow?"
"Thank god!" Peter sighed with relief, but immediately stressed again,
"How the hell am I supposed to prepare a song!"
"Peter you just asked the same question just in a different way, just talk to Sam"
"You're right, I'll be fine"
He was not fine. Peter lay awake most of the night filled with anxiety, he has never auditioned for a role before, his last role was because the original dropped out and he was asked to takeover, Ned always helps with set and is a great stage manager but he doesn't have to audition for that, MJ is a huge fan of musical theatre but she's never done a production so he had no guidance aside from his teacher and it would literally be impossible for him to be at Peters audition so he'd just have to make sure he was prepared,
"Peter, go to sleep it's eleven o'clock" Tony suddenly appeared in his sons doorway,
"Sorry Dad"
"Stop stressing, you're an incredible singer, actor and dancer, the information will be up tomorrow as-well as audition dates, you'll have time to prepare, I promise you'll be good"
"Thanks dad, night"
"Night Pete" Tony closed the door, and followed his own advice going to his own bed. Peter eventually fell asleep thinking about audition songs and potential co-stars if he even got in.

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