Get dat camera outta mah face!

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Protective Stony time
Peter is six (6) and got his spider powers due to contact with radiation when he was little
Tony is gay
Steve is gay
I'm gay
Let's jump right in

Steve P.O.V
I turned to face my husband when I finished putting on my jacket,"Okay you ready to go babe?"

"Am I getting Peter ready?" He asked me, I shrugged,

"He's with Nat in the kitchen right?" I replied, knowing that she would have gotten his breakfast,

He sighed "Yeah, I'll go get him ready since you take forever" I smirked as he left.

Third P.O.V
Tony walked in to see Natasha wiping Peters face with a towel he was facing the other way so he didn't see me at first, she looked over at him and smiled.

"Hey Pete, look behind you" Peter swirled around and squealed in delight and ran over to his dad,

"Hi daddy!" Peter made grabby hands and Tony scoped him up in his arms,

"Hey bud, let's get you ready" he looked back over at the red head, "Thanks Nat" she smirked at him,

"No problem, have fun with the paparazzi" Tony groaned, Peter looked up at him in confusion, Tony just started walking towards Peters room.

Steve, Tony and Peter got in the car, Tony buckling Peter in then getting in the drivers passenger seat next to Happy, Steve sat next to Peter,

"So what are we doing first?" Steve asked Tony as the car made its way out of the garage,

"Okay so we have two meetings then Peter needs some new clothes as well as the huge tower stock up" Steve chuckled at the last part the looked at his son,

He put on his 'baby voice' and asked "You excited for some new clothes Petey?" Tony smirked from the front seat,

"Yep!" He replied popping the p, he looked back out the window, observing all the busy streets, all the people walking and all the big buildings.
The car stopped outside of a large building, Steve unbuckled Peter and placed him in his arms, Happy stayed behind the family.

"Okay so what are we doing with Peter?" Steve asked as they walked into the building towards the receptionist,

"He'll stay with Happy, I've got his StarkPad, some of his action figures, he'll be good, he's a good kid and Happy knows best" Steve frowned down at Peter, he was nervous, "Don't be nervous, anyway I have his heart detector watch on so I'll know if he's upset" Tony reassured, tapping his watch, Happy was talking to the receptionist as the couple talked,

"I just don't want him to be sad" Steve said looking down and the small child in his arms,

"He'll be okay, time flies, it's only an hour" Tony started moving to follow Happy who was told where they were meant to go,

"So I've got a badge for everyone except Pete because he doesn't need one" Happy said, passing a badge to everyone then putting one on.

They stopped outside of the meeting room, there was a few couches near it, Steve placed Peter on the floor,

"Okay bub, you're gonna wait out here with uncle Happy with your StarkPad, be good Okay?"

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