Freak like me

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Doja Cat is an icon and she is exactly what the music industry needs right now, fight me, I dare you.
It's me, what a surprise, Peter is the same as usual and Ironstrange because I'm nice. (Peter calls Dr Strange 'vader' which is dutch for father)

Peter P.O.V
I was being dragged into the dark side, MJ had corrupted me, even though I am a theatre nerd through and through, MJ had gotten me into a type of music I ever thought I would be into, R&B. It started with her genius interviews, I sighed and prepared for armageddon, MJ won.

I just did a bad thing

Oh no

Doja best songs, now, she's so good in interviews

I recommend Freak, UwU, Body Language, Roll With Us, Candy and of course Tia Tamera

I'll keep you updated

I started with the songs that were on Spotify, Tia Tamera came up, wow, wOW. This is really good.

Third Person
Peter eventually was dancing around his room enjoying Dojas best songs, especially TT and Freak, in fact Freak was 100% his favorite, even with the hidden nasty elements, it was a really good song, he of course started singing along having the absolute time of his life, so much fun that he completely did not hear his vader calling his name and eventually both his parents were at his door,
"tied him down to my queen bed" both the parents gave each other looks, what was this?"
"Teased him just enough to hate me"
"Tied it tight enough, he can't break free"
"Stephen, love, it's a song, just let him finish"
"Keep him waiting 'til he try"
"Let's just go, I'll get Friday to stop the music as soon as the songs done" Tony had heard this song once and knew the lyrics got worse, he didn't want Peter to be embarrassed or for Stephen to get upset.
"He better be fast"
They both left but unfortunately Clint was also on his to the dining area and heard the song as he passed, he did a double take,
"What is this" he thought out-loud,
"This can go one of two ways'
"Friday what song is this?"
"Freak by Doja Cat, Steve is begging you to hurry up by the way"
"I'll investigate later" he huffed, and followed Steve's directions.
Eventually the song finished and Friday interrupted,
"Peter king of the spiders, your dads have requested that you make your way to dinner right now"
"Sure, thank you!"
"You're very welcome"
He rushed out to the dining area,
"Sorry everyone!"
"All good" and "it's okay" filled the room, Peter sat down between Tony and Bruce, everyone finished reasonably quickly all was good until,
"Hey Pete, what was that song?" His uncle asked, his faced immediately flushed,
"Um, it was"
"BDSM?" Stephen asked, face emotionless,
Peter hung his head, he knew they would find out, Steve and Clint looked at him with shock, Nat just stared, Bruce looked at Tony, Tony put his arm around his son.
"It's not that bad" he mumbled,
"Should we read the lyrics then?"
"Stephen, not now"
"Why Tony, this is important"
"Most kids his age have lost their virginity, let him enjoy the music, it's a fun song, you saw how much fun he was having!"
Before the Doctor could reply Peter finally looked up,
"You were watching me?"
"Sorry bud"
He threw his head back, Tony stifled laughter,
"Tony we need boundaries"
"Babe, we're not doing this here, not now," he leaned in, "not in front of everyone"
"Fine" he faced Peter, "we're talking about this later"
Peter groaned, the rest of dinner was quite awkward and as soon as possible he ran up to his room,
"See, I knew he'd run off" Stephen huffed,
"Better then him getting embarrassed and or lectured by his childhood hero's" Tony started walking towards his sons room, Stephen was left quite stunned.
"Hey bud, can we talk?"
"Sure" Tony walked in to see Peter throwing a ball at his wall while looking at his phone,
"I'm guessing this is about the dumb song"
"No it's about the French Revolution" Tony joked, Peter only looked up at him with a smirk, Tony sat next to him, Peter returned his eyes to his phone,
"That would be honestly much more interesting  considering I've listened to Le Mis"
"Of course, but seriously, how did you discover a song like that?"
"Ohh that makes sense, I honestly could not care much, it's just the fact that Stephen and I both have PTSD, he believes that if he shelters you, you'll be fine and that you won't have to struggle, I know it sounds cliche but it's true, he cares"
Peter put his phone down and left the ball on the floor, he curled into his dads slide,
"I know, I'm just trying to experiment, I know he cares and I love him so much but I want to be normal sometimes, I've lost so much, I'm already kinda broken, but I'm okay with that"
Tony started playing with Peters hair,
"Buddy, you need to talk to him"
"I know, but I don't want to hurt him"
"You won't, it's important to both of us"
"Can you be there"
"Of course, now or later"
"I think I should do it now"
"Okay bud," he took his eyes off his son, "Friday, call Stephen in here"
"I'm going to stand in the corner, you talk to him"
"Okay Dad, thank you"
Tony just smiled in response, Stephen walked in eventually and sat next to Peter,
"So Vader, I love you so much but you don't have to shelter me to make sure I'm safe, I understand you want me to be a happy kid but some days I'm going to be a teenager and I'm going to do things but no matter what, I'll be okay, I just would like a little more trust"
"Peter I'm sorry, I overreacted, I understand that completely, just don't go around using some of that language, just have fun and enjoy being a kid, before it's too late"
"Of course, I love you"
They held each other for a while before Tony emerged from the corner and sat on Peters other side, they all enjoyed the huddled in silence,
"I love you two so much"
"We love you too"
They all went down to the common room to find the Avengers watching Hairspray,
"You're watching a musical without me!?" Peter rushed down and collapsed into a couch, the husbands followed suite just without the dramatics.
Clint and Natasha would've been lying if they said they weren't listening to Dojas other songs.

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