Pay back!

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This will be a continuation of touch starved but, yes the idea may be over used but it'll be fun!

Natasha P.O.V
I was extremely excited to get back at this brat bully, Tony had found lots of info on the kid and we intended to embarrass the living hell out of him, Pepper said no killing him but we made a plan to ruff him up a bit. Tony made sure Peter handed in the permission note but Peter said
"You can't embarrass me!"
"Trust me Pete, we won't" I ruffled his hair as he finished his food, he had first period then the rest of the day was at the tower, he had grim written on his face as he left even when Pepper reassured him nothing would happen to him. I was waiting in the training room, preparing for destruction to a reputation.

Peter P.O.V
I sat in the window seat while Ned sat next to me, MJ was infront of us and unfortunately Flash was only 3 seats behind us,
"Peter it'll be fine, trust your mom"
"But I can't trust Dad will listen to her Ned!"
"From what you told me it sounds like he will"
Before I could respond MJ cut in,
"Peter, shut up, if anything happens I'll help you jump out the window" She got a laugh out of me but worries still filled my head, worries increased as I saw the familiar drive-way. I was dragged off bus by MJ and Ned, we waited in front of the bus while Mrs Brogan pulled me a side, Mrs Brogan never liked me because I was probably the best in the class due to my time in the lab with Bruce but she thought that I thought I was better then her, so she didn't like me and often turned her head when Flash bullied me,
"Peter I've heard some rumors that you've been spreading lies and I would like that to stop"
"Sorry Miss but what lies?"
"The Stark internship lies"
"But Miss, those aren't lies..."
"Peter I don't want to hear it, neither does anyone else" She walked back towards the class, Flash had a smug look on his face,
"Okay class, we're going to go inside and meet your tour guild, who will give you your badge," I sighed as a grabbed my badge out of my bag, level 10. As we walked inside, I saw Pepper talking to the front desk lady but as soon as she saw us she did her PR smile and I groaned quietly,
"Hello my name is Pepper Stark! I will be your tour guild today as a special treat, hopefully I can answer all your questions," I tried to not meet her gaze as everyone ran up to get their badges, unfortunately before Pepper could explain Flash yelled loudly
"Pen-Peter doesn't have a badge!"
And without even looking at me, Pepper stared him down, lost her smile and said,
"He already has a badge Eugene"
She quickly smiled again and started again,
"Don't be alarmed as you scan your badge, it's just the AI Friday who is making sure it's a real badge, it will read out your credentials, you all have level 2 badges which is basically a 5 hour guest pass, I have a level 10 badge which only 2 others have and the Avengers have level 9, any questions?"
"Who's the other people?"
"Tony Stark and an anonymous person" Pepper and Tony don't want too many to know that I'm their son so I sighed in relief that she didn't say something like "and our son!" Or "and our baby boy!"

We walked around until we reached the labs, I was confused as we stopped outside of my personal lab, Pepper gestured me forward,
"Kids, this is Peters personal lab, could we have a quick look around then we'll have a look at the training rooms?"
"Uhh sure, but don't let anyone touch my stuff"
I scanned my pass and let everyone inside, Flash and Mrs Brogan looked at me shocked, everyone had a look around and Pepper looked at her phone, she suddenly ushered everyone outside,
"To the training rooms!" I had a sneaky suspicion that she has something planned.

Third person
Mrs Brogans chemistry class watched in awe as Natasha, the Black Widow had Captain America pinned down,
"Hello class! I'm going to give you a demonstration on self defense that should ONLY be used as self defense," she gave the same stare as Pepper to Flash, "not as a bullying method" he gulped as she faced the class again but let Steve go, they shook hands and he walked into a door towards the change rooms,
"Would anyone like to be my test dummy?" Surprisingly, no one put up their hand, Flash looked around and muttered, "pussies"
"I'll do it!"
"Ah good, name?"
And at that moment, Peter knew this was planned, he looked over to see his mom smirking, and she gave a wink to Natasha, Pepper scanned her badge so Flash could enter,
"So Eugene, are you angry right now?"
"Good now just pretend I'm someone you hate"
"Ah huh"
"Got it pictured?"
"Attack me, I dare you, don't be scared"
"Gladly" as soon as Flash came in arms length to Natasha she swiftly kicked him and had him pinned down in a minute,
"Now kids, first lesson, don't be too cocky, like Iron-man" Peter laughed and Flash looked enraged,
"You didn't even give me a chance!"
"Excuse me?"
"You cheated!"
"Peter get down here now"
Peter shuffled towards the door, he just scanned his thumb and walked in, Flash had a shit eating grin on his face,
"Let me show you how I can bea-um defend myself against Pen-Peter"
"Nope, Peter's versing me"
Flash laughed obnoxiously,
"He's too weak!"
Peter suddenly had a smile looming on his face but Pepper looked inraged
"Let's see about that" Natasha and Peter got ready to spar, Peter had beaten Natasha before so he knew he had to try otherwise she would flunk out purposely, after 10 minutes Peter had Natasha pinned, he let go as Pepper clapped
"Good job kid, I think you kids need to go eat now, have fun"
Peter left the room as Flash followed angrily but before he could continue any further Pepper called his name but as he turned to go back someone grabbed his arm, it was Mrs Brogan,
"Peter we have lunch, then your guardian is being called" Pepper heard this and rushed over,
"Excuse what is happening? Friday please call Tony down here"
"This young boy is a liar and I refuse to let him continue this trip,"
Behind both the women Tony Stark rushed down the stairs along with Natasha,
"This liar is my son, he is definitely meant to be here, who are you anyway?"
"I am Peters teacher Mrs Brogan," she seemed to have missed the 'my son' but because she still had a hand on him, clutching him tightly, Flash also appeared behind the teacher,
"Ah Flash, please go escort Peter to lobby and take his badge"
"NO!" Tony exploded, this teacher was sending Peter to his doom,
"Tony calm down please" Pepper tried to guild her husband away but he grabbed his son and made sure he was in Natasha's arms, while Tony yelled at her,
"Security please escort Eugene and Victoria off the premises"
Security lead them away, Tony yelling from afar,
"Tony shut up, now" Tony looked over to see his son crying from a sensory overload, his voice softened,
"Aw Peter, I'm sorry, Friday activate sensory overload protocol" he lead his son out of the view of his fellow students, Tony rubbed circles on his back while everyone stayed silent, unfortunately their plan hadn't gone exactly right so Natasha made sure the bully got the message, while Peter recovered, he went to sleep that night feeling very successful as his parents and his favorite aunt stopped his bully.

This kinda sucks, sorry, I was going to post a chapter that had MAJOR endgame spoilers but then I remembered some haven't seen it yet, so their will be an endgame chapter at some point

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