That's showbiz!

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Ready set let's! OoooOooOoo *ghost noises*
It's Beetlejuice part 2 baby
Sorry but this week is only one update, I've been really busy but I will get back onto it :)

Third P.O.V
"Hello everyone, welcome to Beetlejuice the musical!"
Some cheered, the cast was sat on the floor, Ms Campbell was holding a box full of books*
"So before I hand out books, as you know, Tony Stark is assisting with the mechanics, we also have Caitlin Price who will be our stage manager and she will be fixing the lines, we will also have Ned Leeds who will be helping with props and will be helping back stage" Caitlin gave everyone a wave and Peter clapped Ned on the back.
"That being said, take out paper or a device and write down the classroom code" she paused and waited, "so the code is 4q2oayy" a few freshmen giggled but the rest of them just wrote it down, "Now, books! Starting with Girl Scout being played by Cindy, Juno being played by Jenna, Otho being played by Ram, Maxie Dean being played by Brenton, Charles being played by Maxmilian, Delia being played by Liz, Barbara being played by Betty, Adam being played by Peter, Lydia being played by Michelle and finally Jason playing Beetlejuice"
As each name was called they went up and grabbed their book, Peter immediately looked through his, still shocked that he got the role,
"Now remember that you cannot loose it or write in it in pen, this is a loan, be careful"
Everyone with a book nodded,
"Now I'll have to kick you out now."

Everyone started leaving, Peter heard someone say his name,
"Uh Peter?"
He turned, it was Betty,
"Since we have to play a couple I just want to say and kinda promise to both of us that we're not going to make this awkward"
She smiled at him and he chuckled,
"Of course, no awkward-ness needed"
She grinned and ran off to find Liz, (different Liz, not homecoming Liz) Peter turned over to face MJ,
"So are you excited?" He asked her.

"I honestly really am, can't wait to be surrounded by losers" she smirked at him, he pulled a mock shock face,

"I thought that was my nickname" he whined,

"Too bad that everyone here is a loser" she shrugged, he bumped her shoulder and said,

"You totally missed a reference there, everyone here is alone so if you are breathing go home" He impersonated the tone and the accent used in the album and she just laughed at him.

~ ~ ~

"Good afternoon Peter, Boss is waiting for you in the kitchen"
"Where's Pops?"
"Steve is in the common room"
"Thanks Fri!"
Peter was let out at the kitchen, he placed his bag down and his dad called his name


"Hey Dad" Peter walked up to his dad and he pulled him into a hug

"Hey Bambi" Tony brushed his hands on his sweatpants, "How was school?"

Tony scoffed,

"What about your rehearsal?"

It was now Peters turn to scoff,
"It was a meeting Dad, it was short but I've got my lines so after I see Pa and do some homework I'm going to practice"

"Alright kid, I'll make sure no one disturbs you, sing out if you need anything"

Peter grinned and sung out "Okay" and ran off, Tony smirked to himself.

Peter ran into the living room and jumped over the couch to sit next Steve who was watching a documentary with Natasha, "Hey Pa"

Steve smiled at his son and placed an arm around him, "Hey kiddo how are you?"


"How was your meeting?"

"Short, but I've got my lines so I'm going to go practice, I just wanted to say hi"
Steve smirked and Peter gave a little wave to Natasha then left,

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