The sneeze

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I want all of you to appreciate how cute this artwork is, it's so simple but so adorable, Peter is the usual and because I'm nice, It's Stony time bb

Third P.O.V
The Avengers were having an infamous movie night(™️) all the worlds greatest hero's were sitting inside the Avengers compound having a Disney marathon, oldest to newest, it was storming outside so they were bundled up, enjoying each other's warmth, specially Peter, Tony and Steve, Peter was between his fathers bundled in a blanket with a hot chocolate, everyone was engaged in the movie when it was interrupted.

Clint P.O.V
Some princess was singing and it was interrupted by a loud but incredibly high pitched sneeze, a kitten sneeze, we all stared at Peter as he shrunk into the blankets, I cut the silence by laughing,
"Peter what the hell!"
"You sounded like a PoKemON"
"Shut up!"
I laughed harder, it was so high, and tiny,
"Sorry kid but it was pretty adorable"
"Fri? Did you record that?"
"I record everything Mr Stark, would you like to add that to 'Bb moments' or 'Blackmail'
"Friday whhyyyyyy"
"Sorry Peter the Daddyest of the Dads™️ It was quite adorable"
At this point everyone was stiffing their laughter,
"Peter did you change your name to Peter Daddyest of the Dads"
"I came up with multiple nicknames"
"I'm sorry but what do you mean by Daddy? Are you a father now"
We all shifted our gaze to Steve, too innocent...
"Shot not"

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