Sad bros together forever

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I honestly thought this was so cute, so this kinda like a prompt, Peter is 17 and Tony and Steve's adopted child, for funzies

Peter P.O.V
I was nervously pacing in the Avengers main common room, everyone was meeting to reconvene after the battle with Thanos, we had to find out who we lost, all I knew is that the original six are still alive, they stayed in the tower with Dad, Pops and I but he couldn't get in contact with Thor, but everyone's having nightmares so it was basically a movie night. Dad told everyone to meet in the common room when they were ready, but I was the first one, my pacing was interrupted,
"Peter sit with me, everyone will be out soon"
I saw Pops, in a casual outfit,
"But do I look okay? What if someone really important died, I don't want to cry, I hate it when others cry—"
"Peter, sit down, please don't stress, you'll be here with your Dad and your Pops, me"
We sat down together and put his arm around me, the couches already arranged in a circle, Pops and I in our usual couch waiting for Dad, he eventually came down and sat next to me and squeezed my hand,
"Don't worry Peter, it'll be okay, I promise" he said in my ear, Natasha and Bruce then walked in,
"Hey Nat"
"Good morning маленький паук"
"Hey Bruce!"
"Good morning Peter"
"Get breakfast guys and meet here," They both walked towards the kitchen,
"That being said, Peter did you have breakfast?"
"Neither did I so I'm making pancakes"
"Thanks Stevie"
Pops got off the couch towards the kitchen and Dad smirked at me,
"Are you really that nervous? Usually you'd be chasing after him"
"I guess, I don't really feel hungry" He pulled me into a side hug,
"Kid, I get that you're nervous but this was a huge thing, we need to have meetings like this and if we lost people, we need to comfort the people close to them"
"I get that but.."
"Just go help your pops, just chill out a bit, it'll be okay"


I finished my breakfast and sat back down with Pops who just got a message from Wakanda alerting us that they are landing soon, we also got a message from the Guardians of the Galaxy, which is exciting because they were really cool. Natasha, Bruce, Sam, Bucky and Clint had joined us now as Dad went with Happy to the landing dock.
Dad returned with T'Challa, Shuri, Okeye, Peter Quill, Drax, Gamora, Nebula, Groot, Rocket and Mantis
"Take a seat everyone"
Everyone sat down and it was about 2 minutes of silence before we heard a loud crack of thunder and portal, everyone's head quickly swizzled to see Thor and Doctor Strange,
"Loki used to call me that.."
It was silent again, as Dad and Pops gave each other weird looks,
"That's because it's your fucking name"
I got up, Thor definitely lost Loki, I hugged him
"Dad he's sensitive, shut up"
"Thank you Son of Stark"
"I've lost all my living relatives, it'll be okay"
We stayed like that for a bit until I guided him to a seat, we learned that Doctor Strange lost Wong, T'Challa lost many soldiers, Mantis lost one of her arms, due to the time travel plan we got Gamora back but she lost most of her memories and we lost Loki. Thor and I spent a lot of our time sharing memories, he talked about his childhood and I talked about May and Ben.

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