Hey, What's that?

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This was a request from @Sg62053
It's Stucky and Pepperoni time thots
Peter is 16 and has a dEEp background

Peter P.O.V
I was in my final period, Advanced mathematics, fortunately we had a sub so I didn't have to answer any questions,
"So you guys have a test coming up and I have some study notes that we can review for the last 20 minutes, if you have any questions let me know or send an email to Mr Hyndes" Mrs Duke called out as she handed out the notes, I sighed, I would have to ask Tony or Bruce to help.
I finally finished my review, I would only have to spend a little bit of time at home reviewing it but it'll be easy, we only had about 4 more minutes so I packed up, Mrs Duke was on her phone so I took out mine, just scrolling through Instagram, the bell rang and I made my way to the door, I saw the familiar black car,
"Cya Ned!"
"Bye Pete!" I waved him goodbye and crashed into the car,
"Heyo Hap"
"Hi Peter"
I talked to him about the math test and he pretended to listen, I could definitely tell, but I continued rambling until we pulled up to the tower.
"Cya Hap"
"Bye kid"
I ran up to the elevator,
"Friday, where's dad?"
"He's in a meeting, your mother requested that you give him a moment as this is the only one she's been able to get him too"
"Of course, is there anyone in the gym?"
"No, would you like me to prepare your settings?"
"Please do, thank you Friday"
We stopped out front of my room, I got changed into a blue tank top and grey sweatpants, I raced back into the elevator and the elevator started the very fast ascend to the main gym. Friday started up my workout playlist, I did my main routine,
"Friday up the music and the skill level"
With the music blaring I wasn't able to hear anything but my heart rate.

Steve P.O.V
I parted my lips from my loves,
"Buck, we need to train"
"But baby, I missed you" he whined,
"I missed you too, I missed you so much but we have to, just a quick session"
We walked hand in hand towards the main gym but he looked at me funny,
"What's up?"
"Can you hear that music?"
I paused, I heard some sort of pop but kinda emo ish?
"Yeah, who in this tower would listen to that?"
"I have no clue" he smirked,
"Investigation time babe"
We sneaked over to the gym and saw a young kid with his back, neck and shoulders covered in tattoos, h e was aggressively punching a punching bag,
"Who's the kid?" He asked
"I have no clue" I looked up at the speakers, "Friday? Who's the kid?"
"You do not have the authority to ask that, I would ask Mr  Stark"
I looked back at Bucky who seemed just as confused as me, we didn't notice the kid looking up at us,
"Friday turn my music off"
We swiveled around to look at him, he had large brown doe eyes but they seemed dark, his brown hair moist from sweat,
"What are you staring at?"
"Uh, um, who are you?"
"Oh, hi Peter, my name is—"
"Steve Rodgers, I know"
I glanced over at Bucky, he didn't look back,
"Who gave you the tats?" He asked
"You don't want to know"
"What? Did you do it behind your parents back" Peters eyes shifted,
"My parents are dead"
Silence, until I heard the tap of shoes, it was Tony,
"Hey Pet-" he looked at us, then looked at Peter, Peters eyes seem to light up,
"Hey Mr Stark" Tony walked into the gym, leaving us completely stunned,
"What happened to dad?"
"Well I just told le old people that my parents were dead"
"Did they see your tattoos?"
"Ah huh"
"Fair enough"
Finally I spoke up,
"Um Tones, who's this?"
"This is Peter, my kid"
"When did you get a kid?!"
"Couple of months ago"
There was a silence,
"If you don't mind me asking, how did you get the tattoos?"
"Stick and poke"
"It's a self inflicted tattoo method"
Silence, again,
"Welp Pete and I have some business to attend, toodles!"
Tony slung his arm around Peter and left swiftly, Bucky turned to me,
"What the hell was that?"

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