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Bit of angst, but I usually give you lots of fluff, so deal with it children, because it's so popular and because I don't want my stories to be boring, Ironstrange but Pepper is best friend™️, Peter is just an intern but there's lil hints at Dad!Ironstrange also I'm going to try writing it all in third person, Ye Ye

Peter walked into Tony's lab, the usual childish nature,
"Hello Mr Stark!"
"Hey Peter, I want you to meet someone"
"This is Michael, he is my new intern, he just graduated"
"Oh wow!" Peter excitedly shook Michaels hand, "What do you do best?"
"Biology" Peter jokingly smiled,
"Thank god, not my specialty!" Michael smirked back,
"Well I'm doing actual hard science, so don't start comparing till you get a little older kid"
This sentence took Peter aback,
"I beg your pardon?" He said with a smaller voice, most interns were a lot older then him, but they always treated him as equals, Peter never bragged about his smarts but he was definitely above a college level,
"Peter what Michael means is that just because you might of been here first doesn't mean that you're better then him" Tony reassured, Michael looked incredibly smug
"Okay well I'm going to my lab, please don't disturb me" and just like that Peter ran off, much to the surprise of Tony. Pepper was checking the cameras at the time and was also taken aback by Michaels crude statement earlier on, she knew she would have to keep an eye on this new guy.


It had been 2 weeks after meeting Michael and Peter hadn't spent more then 2 hours with Tony each week, Michael had already met the Avengers and were bonding with him, while Peter was left to his projects but there was still Pepper and Dr Strange,
"Hey Pete, whatcha working on?" Pepper walked in slowly, concern in her voice,
"A project"
"Has Tony seen it"
"I haven't seen him in like, 2 days, he'll probably take my lab away soon, leave me to dust"
"Oh Peter, I'm sorry, this is unfair"
"It's okay I deserve it"
"No you do not! You are incredibly smart Peter Parker, you're definitely smarter then some kid who went to college"
"But I'm young and stupid, I should probably just resign"
"Peter will you give me a minute and take a break for a second for me please" Pepper practicality raced out of the room, absolutely furious, this angelic boy was crushed and it was all Tony's fault, she stormed into the security camera room and was fuming at what she saw, every time Michael past Peter he would shove him, taunt him and he had this smug look about him but she was horrified when she saw Tony talking to Dr Strange about how he was going to take Peters suit, give it to Michael and let him join the Avengers, a normal person with nothing special about him, not even strong, joining the Avengers, he saw red when she stormed into the Avengers lounge, with all of them present except Bruce, Vision and Wanda,
"All of you sit, now, Michael you need to leave, now"
"Tony shut the fuck up, leave NOW!"
"What's this about Pepper" all of the Avengers on edge, Natasha about to stand,
"Stay down and listen to every word I say very carefully, you heros" the tension in the room could cut a knife,
"You know Peter, yeah, the incredible child that  literally has nothing except all of you? Is absolutely crushed because you let some random college kid in, leaving Peter behind, SpiderMan behind, I thought you were a team, I thought you all weren't clueless idiots who follow one person blindly, so what if Michael's charismatic and Peter's awkward, who cares if Michael's a graduate, Peter is twice the person he is, because Peter is friendly no matter what and to prove to you, I have complied all the snarky remarks to Peter, you know, bullying" and as Pepper tried to show that video, it showed live footage from the hallway a couple of rooms away from the lounge,
"I was so fucking close to joining the Avengers Penis, but you had to whine to Pepper and she interrupted," he punched Peter in the jaw,
"Michael please I don't want to hurt you"
"You wouldn't be able to lay a hand on me" before Peter could get another word in Michael kicked him over and over again, yelling relentless taunts at him, trying to break him, but Peters super-human ability's kept him alive,
"I'll be back, stay hidden you waste of space" but as Micheal went to go back into the living room he was met with all the Avengers,
"You need to leave, right now, get your stuff and go, you have 10 minutes"
"5 minutes"
The Avengers watched his man with rage, but Pepper was close to ripping him apart but instead, she ran off to Peter,
"Peter honey are you okay?"
"I'm sorry"
"For what love?"
"Not being strong enough"
"You are the strongest and I promise everyone will make it up to you, take as much time as you need"
"I will"
"I'm taking you to the MedBay"


Peter had forgiven all the Avengers, even Tony after a long time of apologizes and tears they were back to having movie nights, together, as a family
Ps, Michael's working at a gas station, 7 dollars an hour.

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