Dancing Queen

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You can dance!
You can jive!
Having the time of your life...
Ooh, see that girl!
Watch that scene!
Dig in the dancing quee—"

Tyler was quick to hit the snooze button on his alarm clock. A bright red blush covered his face and the tips of his ears, and Josh was hurting laughing.

"I'm...sorry," Tyler sighed, prying Josh's arms from his waist and forcing himself out of bed.

Josh snorted, his laughter slowing. "No," he said, rubbing sleep from his eyes, "don't be. That was great."

"At least we're awake," Tyler stated, sarcasm dripping from his lips. Josh only grunted in response; there was only one thing he hated more than mornings, and It was dark and scary and he wanted It gone.

He lifted himself off of the bed and stumbled over to the closet, finding an outfit consisting of mainly black for him to wear that day.

Josh had moved into the Joseph household only the day before. It had been...hectic, sure, but he was doing great!

He tried not to think about Tyler across from him in the treehouse, shaking and twitching as Blurry sat down next to him. It had mocked him. Copied his motions, yet exaggerated them. Josh had been furious.

He punched Blurryface.

Except he didn't.

"Josh—?" Tyler choked out after Josh's fist had flown past his head, nearly colliding with the wall beside him. "Why—why would you—?"

"Tyler." Josh looked at him, eyes wide and filled with panic. "Tyler—I didn't mean to—that...that wasn't for you?"

Josh had never seen his boyfriend so confused and filled with fear, and it was his fault.

"Oh, Joshua," Blurrface said, walking up behind him. "What have you done? You nearly hit him! You inconsiderate asshole!"

"I-I know," Josh muttered, hands traveling up and tugging on strands of faded blue hair. "Tyler, Ty, you gotta understand, I wasn't trying to hit you, I was trying to hit Blurry! I–It was mocking you, Ty, I couldn't just let It do that!"

Tyler looked up at him, scooting away until he was practically in the wall. "Josh, I don't know what that means."

"Tyler—" Josh let out a pained sigh, and tightened the grip on his hair. "I—I told you this, Ty, It's my thoughts! Blurryface is my thoughts!"

"Josh, that doesn't," Tyler's tone got quieter, "make sense..."

Josh was doing something very similar to what the small brunet had seen him do multiple times before. His hands remained near his head, twisting sapphire curls around his fingers as he began pacing.




Tyler let out a small cry of fear, and reached out a hesitant arm to put a hand on his lover's shoulder. "Joshie," his voice was quiet. "C'mon, Joshie, stop that!"

But Josh didn't stop, and though Tyler was unaware of it, Blurry was on the other side of the treehouse with a very smug look on It's face.

"Josh?" Tyler asked, noticing his boyfriend's blank stare. The mentioned's head snapped up to look at him.


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