Peace Signs

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When they arrived, Josh was quick to get out of the car and open the door for his boyfriend. He insisted on being, "a fine gentlemen" for their date. He popped the trunk, and took a nice picnic basket from it. The two walked over to a small clearing by a tree; almost no one else was at the park. They'd lucked out.

Tyler laid out the blanket and took the basket from Josh, placing that on top and sitting down. Josh followed suit.

Tyler began to unpack the basket, but paused when he saw the book he'd packed. "Hey, Joshie?" he said shyly, pulling it out and scooting closer to his lover.

Josh looked at it curiously, taking it gently from him. He flipped to the first page, which held nothing but a note on a clean white paper.

Happy belated birthday, Joshie. I love you most.


Josh snickered quietly, while Tyler giggled. The former turned the page, revealing a picture of the two boys when they had just recently met. They were on the swings, though Tyler was hanging upside down. He looked like he was scared for his life. In reality, though, he was just scared that Josh was going to get hurt; he'd kept swinging until he almost spun around the top bar. His pink hair flew around wildly in a gust of wind, and nothing but happy laughter left either of their lips.

Josh flipped through some more pages, pausing shortly whenever one caught his eye or brought up a memory.

"Where did you get this?" Josh wondered aloud, tracing his finger around their faces. They were on either side of the Joseph family's couch, legs hanging over its suede arms. They both beamed at the camera, and Tyler held up two peace signs.

"No clue. I think it was somewhere in the attic. Either way, m'glad I found it."

Josh chuckled, closing the book and setting it down. He took Tyler's face between his index finger and thumb, pulling him in for a passionate kiss.

"I love you so much," Tyler said, breathless when they pulled apart.

"I love you most."

Tyler giggled, face heating up quickly. Brushing off Josh's parroting comment, he lifted up the cover of the basket. The first things they saw were two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and at that point, they were both too hungry to look for any other possible options.

There was more food, however, and that's what Tyler realized when Josh pulled out a small container of chocolate-dipped strawberries.

Josh smiled as he fed the first one to Tyler, who giggled madly when he finished eating it. He cuddled into Josh's side, wrapping his arms around him. Josh kissed his forehead.

Tyler looked out at the sunset, sighing quietly. Josh, however, was far too focused on looking at him to pay it much attention. Swirls of orange and pink reflected in his chestnut eyes, and that was all Josh could focus on.

Noticing his boyfriend's admiring stare, Tyler blushed and looked up at him, giggling before pressing a chaste kiss to his lips.

Tyler smiled softly, glancing back at the darkening sky. "It's getting late..." he whispered, as if he'd disturb the empty park's peace by speaking too loud.

"D'you wanna go back home, love?" Josh asked, grabbing his hands and squeezing them. Tyler bit his lip, indecisive, and focused on a cloud that he thought looked like a cherry.

After some time, with Josh being as patient as he could be, Tyler finalized his answer, "I–I think so, yeah. Before we can't see where we're going."

"Oh? You don't think I can see in the dark?" Josh challenged, jumping up and pulling a laughing Tyler with him.

"Joshie, what're you doing?" he giggled, head cloudy with overwhelming love. He figured this was the happiest he'd been in a long time, and Josh thought the same, though he knew it wouldn't last long. Oh well.

Josh failed to answer his question, instead dragging him to the car they'd drove there in. Tyler couldn't force his smile down, too delirious with glee.

Josh opened the car door, crawling into the front seat and turning on the radio. Tyler watched him, confused, but still happy.


Josh flipped through a few stations, finally sighing and pulling out three albums from the glove compartment. Tyler didn't know what they were, until Josh put one in, pressing a few buttons, and a song began to play.

Tyler recognized it immediately. Josh had made him listen to it on multiple occasions, and he'd learned to love it. It held a special place in his heart.

Josh pulled him closer, hands on the boy's hips. Tyler grinned up at him, a familiar sparkle in his eyes as his own hand made its way to Josh's shoulder.

Tyler whispered the lyrics along with the music, still reluctant to be too loud. Josh, chin resting atop his head, took a deep breath in and let the moment engulf him and his troubled mind.

The two swayed back and forth on their feet, never once letting each other go. There was no need to. They were in love.


When they pulled up to the house, the calm ambiance of their dance was still there. They breathed it in, and sighed it out, and payed no attention to the comfortable silence between them.

Again, Josh opened the car door for Tyler, who blushed and smiled down at his feet.

They ambled in through the front door, hand-in-hand, and silently made their way up the steps. Tyler didn't turn on the lights when they got to their room, nor did Josh. They didn't really want to, and it wasn't like there was a need to anyway.

Tyler stripped himself of his shirt, letting it fall to the ground behind him with a sigh. Josh came up behind him, wrapping his arms loosely around his waist, and kissing the shell of his ear. Tyler shivered.

Josh soon pulled off his own clothes, leaving everything on the floor aside from his boxers. Tyler took off his jeans, and found a hoodie on the floor to wear for the night.

He'd just managed to get the hood over his head when Josh pulled him back again. They fell onto the bed, and pulled the covers up to their chins. Tyler traced his features carefully, making him smile.

"I love you," he whispered, chuckling quietly as Tyler blushed and buried his face in his shoulder.

"M'love you too," he mumbled sleepily, followed by a yawn. The butterflies under Josh's skin attempted to flutter wildly at the sudden warmth of his breath.

Josh, hugging him closer, subconsciously played with his fluffy brown hair. He only closed his eyes when he felt Tyler's breathing even out. Then, he said quietly, "Goodnight, baby," and drifted off to sleep, himself.

"We are strangers to ourselves..."

(A/N: uhm i guess all i can say is prepare yourself for the next chapter oopsie !! not really much you can do, though. grab some tissues, maybe?)

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