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Tyler wakes up in his bed, with a ray of natural light shining proudly on his face.

He rolls over, closing his eyes again, because he doesn't want to be awake quite yet.

A few minutes pass before he feels an arm wrap around him from behind. He turns to face the direction the arm had come from, and then grinning.

"You're back," he whispers. "God, Josh, you're back!"

Josh nods, the first tears streaming down his cheeks. Tyler buries his face into Josh's chest, hugging him as firmly as a man could manage. "I missed you so much, Joshie. S'much."

"I know, Ty, I know. I missed you too," Josh sobs, his voice tight and thick with unshed tears.

Tyler looks up and smiles wide at Josh, though his lip doesn't fail to quiver. "I can't wait to tell you everything."

"I can't wait to listen."

(happy holidays. this is my gift to you. character asks are still open.)

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