Don't Say A Word

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It was a small building, white, with a decent sized parking lot in the back. Tyler and Josh got out of the car, closing the metallic red doors gently behind them. They walked through the front door into a waiting room with three other people in the black leather chairs.

Shortly after the two sat down, a man with blond hair down to his shoulders walked out. "Ah, Josh?"

Josh nodded at him, signaling it was his appointment, and Dr. Willis asked Tyler if he'd be joining them.

"If that's alright, yeah."

"Oh, absolutely. C'mon." He made a gesture for them to follow him, so they did just that. Dr. Willis sat down in a magenta chair just across from the long leather couch Tyler and Josh were on. A coffee table stood between them, atop it being a bowl of lollipops; the boys each took one. Tyler's was green, and Josh's was purple.

"Alright," Dr. Willis started with a sigh. "So. Let's get this started, yeah?" He looked at his clipboard, eyeing a few things before starting to ask standard questions.


They had gotten past the first half of Josh's appointment. All focus was on him, now, and his hands were shaking. Blackish clouds gathered beside him as his anxiety worsened. Josh had been building up the courage to talk about Blurry, and he was sure this wouldn't help.

"Don't say a fucking word!" It snarled. Josh felt like he was being eaten from the inside out, his breathing fast and his eyes darting around the room.

Tyler squeezed his hand, assuring him that this was a safe place and that he could talk about anything but Josh knew that Blurryface would hurt him if he spoke about It.

Josh opened his mouth, and was about to speak, but Blurry interrupted him by snapping It's fingers. Josh turned his head to face It, Dr. Willis following his gaze to find nothing there. Something was there, though. Josh could see It.

"Don't say it, asshole. Don't you fucking dare," Blurry hissed. Josh took a deep breath and turned back to the psychologist.

"My thoughts...are what I hallucinate about." His voice came out barely a whisper, but Willis could hear him nonetheless.

"Elaborate, please, if you can," he hummed.

Blurry glared at Josh, making him gulp. Oh, he was in for it, now. "Joshua William Dun don't you say another word, or I will make sure you're dead by tomorrow morning."

But Blurry's threat was ignored, as Josh explained to Dr. Willis, "M–my bad thoughts come to me as, um, as a...figure. It, uh, It's name is Blurryface, and um...It looks like Tyler." Tyler's eyes widened at this; he hadn't known that, and he wasn't sure he wanted to. "I–I think, um, I think It's not real, I mean—I hope It's not?"

Willis hummed in thought, Josh searching his face for any signs of judgment. There were none.

Blurry backhanded Josh across the face, causing him to flinch visibly, though It's hand never truly made contact with him. "Are you okay?" Tyler asked worriedly, cupping his boyfriend's jaw.

"Y–yeah, um. It slapped me."

Tyler looked at Josh through glassy eyes. "We can talk about It later," Josh whispered, loud enough for only the brunet to hear. He nodded in understanding, kissing Josh's cheek before taking his hand away to wipe his eyes.

Josh looked back to Willis, whose face held a concerned expression. He sighed, looking down at his notes. "Well, Josh, there are meds you can take, of course—" he started, but Josh cut him off quickly.

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