Authors' Notes

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First of all, if you're reading this, that means you've gotten through our nightmare of a fic.

Okay. *claps hands together*

This was a very emotional fic to write. It made me cry, and that rarely happens, so it probably made you cry too (I know it made Tyler cry lmaooooo).

The real reason I'm here is to say that Josh has schizophrenia in this fic, which is a very serious thing to deal with.

My close friend has schizophrenia at the age of thirteen, and it's hard to see her struggle. One night, she said to me, "All of my friends have this really distinct smell."

She said I smelled like grapefruit, her best best friend smelled like cinnamon and peaches, and my other friend smelled like noodles and paper. When she came to her ex, she was confused on how to explain it.

Finally, she said to me, "If colors could have a smell, he would be burnt sienna. Like, a dark red mixed with a warm brown, like logs in a burning fireplace." And let me tell you, it was the most beautiful thing I've ever heard.

Josh doesn't deal with this as much as he does with hallucinations and delusions, of course, since every case of schizophrenia is different, but it's just a reminder that people out there do have it and it's a scary thing to live with.

Anyway, I love this fic. It helped to shape my understanding of everything some people have to go through and it absolutely ruined me. I hope you feel the same way.

Thank you you beautiful hoes for reading this rollercoaster, I hope you are happy in some way. You're Sick as Frick. Remember, Stay Street and Stay Alive ||-//

okay, oh my god!!! holy shit!!!! it's over!!!!

this was, as most of you know, hard for me to edit n such. but!!! i did it!!! are you proud?

well, okay. this fic has a special place in my heart. it was the first fic blooddun and i wrote together (we're not counting 'a BLI/nd killjoy', let's not even talk about that), and honestly? i'm super proud of it.

maddy is my favorite character.

she should be your favorite, too.

(i won't judge you if you favor jonny and rue, though ;)).

n e ways, i love you!!!! and i love gicpts!!!! thank you so much for so many votes and comments and reads it means the world to me!!!! i'm sad that it's over, but at least now i can focus on one of the 39272927 other drafts i have.

stay street,

stay alive,

and most importantly,

honkin' nipples.

peace, bruthas ✌🏻


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