Typical Answers

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Tyler and Josh had spent the entire morning looking up ways to stop hallucinations. There were typical answers, of course: drink water, eat more, and the like. But Josh was hydrated, and remembered eating Frosted Flakes for breakfast, so he knew that wasn't it.

They had come across a website that had said to reenact the time you had first started seeing this thing—whatever it may be.

Tyler knew it was bullshit.

Josh did, too.

But here they were, Josh in the kitchen and Tyler in the bathroom, acting out the dream in which Josh had first seen Blurryface.

When Tyler walked into the kitchen, he didn't look the same.

Josh looked up at him, slightly concerned. He did a good job. Looks just like the dream. He looked...stoned, or something. Red puffy eyes, and a dazed look on his face.

"Ty, are you okay?" Josh asked. Tyler looked over at him and grinned. This, understandably, gave Josh a very unsettled feeling deep in his gut.

"I would like you to meet my friend, Blurryface," Tyler said cheerily, gesturing to an empty space next to him.

"Uh, Ty..."

Suddenly, only for a split second, a dark figure appeared. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. It's okay. It's fine. This is working, it's gonna work. Blurry'll leave me alone after this, right?

"Did you see It? Did you see my friend?" Tyler asked, seemingly excited.

Josh nodded slowly. "...yeah."

"Good! Fun fact: I hate It. But It's my friend anyway."

"Why...why are you friends with...It, if you hate It?" Josh queried, though he knew the answer, still staring at the spot he saw Blurryface only seconds before.

"It forces me to It's friend. It's lonely," Tyler explained solemnly, following Josh's gaze.

"Oh." Josh was terrified. Not only of Blurryface, but of himself. I'm going crazy. Insane. Tyler isn't. I was so wrong.

"Do you wanna be It's friend, too?" Tyler asked sincerely. He had gained the excitement back from the moment he had been solemn in his stature.

"I..." No, he did not want to be friends with this...thing. It's too powerful for It's own good. "I don't want to get in the way of your friendship."

"Our friendship totally sucks. It would be better with you, though!" Tyler's voice was different now, almost demonic. A much lower pitch than his own. How did he do that?

Josh looked away from 'the spot' and at Tyler, who had his lips turned up into a twisted smile. "O–okay...then, um," he shifted uncomfortably, "sure."

Tyler snapped his fingers once, and immediately, Blurryface appeared once more. Josh looked at Tyler with fear written all over over his face, then at Blurry with the same expression. It now looked almost exactly like Tyler, except for the blood red irises replacing what would usually be a chocolatey brown, and black wisp-like shadows coating the hands and neck of the monster. Oh no no no. It wrapped It's hands around the back of Josh's head, and he could hear the thing speak to him in what seemed like a million hushed voices. This has happened too many fucking times. I'm so sick of it.

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