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Josh didn't know what was real anymore. He didn't know the difference between his dreams and the real world, and that was terrifying.

Was Tyler really, truly looking at him with light in his eyes, freckles visible  due to the closeness of their faces? Or was this one of the sweet dreams you wish for a lover to have every night before bed?

Josh didn't know.

He did know, however, that it definitely felt real when he smashed his lips into Tyler's, the smaller boy letting out a surprised "harrumph" but oh, he didn't pull away, and Josh figured that this was good enough. In fact, it was perfect.

Josh wrapped his arms tightly around Tyler's torso, pulling the boy onto his chest. "Did it work?" Josh asked in a whisper after pulling away from the kiss. "Please, please tell me it worked."

Unsure what Josh was going on about, Tyler held back a sigh. "Yeah, Joshie," he said, assuring Josh even though he wasn't sure what he was assuring Josh of. "I think so."

"I love you, boyfriend," Josh said quietly, praying that Tyler's reply wouldn't deny him anything.

"I love you too, boyfriend," Tyler chuckled, even if he really did not know what was going on. He assumed Josh had a dream where something had Whatever that meant.

Josh proceeded to pepper his face in kisses, punctuating it with a peck on the lips. Tyler grinned.

"How'd you sleep?" he asked quietly, running a hand through his hair. It was barely even blue anymore.

"Alright," Josh replied nonchalantly. He wasn't sure if that was true. He wasn't sure if he'd fallen asleep at all. A neutral answer would have to do for now, unfortunately.

"That's good." Tyler leaned down so their noses were touching, giggling when Josh poked his lip with his tongue. "Gross!"

"Neh-eh, yul uv meh," Josh said, tongue still out as he lunged for Tyler, who shrieked and jumped back to the other side of the bed. Josh let his tongue rest normally in his mouth. "C'mere, you little bugger!"

Tyler yelped as Josh's hands found his sides, tickling him relentlessly. Tyler laughed until he couldn't breathe, and when Josh finally stopped, letting Tyler think it was safe, he started again under his armpits. "Jooosh!"


"St–hahahaha—stop it!"


And so he didn't, not even when Tyler said "P–pretty pl-pleas—ha—with a ch–cherry on hahahaha top—?!"

"Mm-mm," Josh refused, moving to tickle his feet. Tyler squeaked, his body instinctually curling up into a ball, toes pointed so Josh couldn't reach.

When Josh went for his sides again, Tyler sprang up off the bed and ran downstairs to the kitchen, giggling out, "Help!" to Zack, who was just trying to eat his Lucky Charms.


Josh came running after Tyler, who sprinted around the kitchen trying to escape him. Zack backed up and put his cereal down so he wouldn't spill it while trying to dodge the two.

"Get over here!" Josh exclaimed, to which Tyler shouted,


Too soon, Josh caught up with him, throwing him over his shoulder and, again, tickling his feet. Tyler kicked his legs, flailing his arms again, and looking at Zack with a pleading look on his face. "Z–Zack hel—ahaha!"

"Um," Zack repeated, giving them a strange look and taking a hesitant bite of his cereal.

Maddy stumbled down the flight of stairs grumpily after being forcefully woken up with endless laughter from a room below hers. "What...?"

Tyler reached out for her, face red. "M–Maddy—"

"No! Don't help him!" Josh tossed him onto the couch, where he, again, tried to escape. Josh caught him, though, and wouldn't let him get away this time.

Maddy, like Zack, just got herself some Lucky Charms and watched amusedly from afar.

Tyler groaned through his cackling, smacking Josh's ass in hopes of getting him to stop. It worked, Josh startling with a loud "Hey!" as Tyler wiggled out of his firm grasp and went back to the kitchen.

"Ha!" he shouted, pointing an accusing finger at his boyfriend.

He was prepared for Josh to come after him, but he just stayed there on the couch, letting Tyler catch his breath. The mentioned grabbed himself a bowl, filling it with the open box of cereal, and adding milk. He glared playfully at Josh as he ate, anxious that his boyfriend would attack him again.

His eyes widened when Josh stood up, but Josh waved a finger in his face to imply he wouldn't try anything. He grabbed a Poptart, leaning against the counter and staring down at the brunet as everyone ate their breakfast.

Tyler yawned, taking a bite of his cereal. Suddenly, Josh gasped. "Holy crap! Tyler, we haven't even gone on an official date yet."

Tyler hummed at the realization, looking up at him. "I haven't even thought about that. Wow."

"Tyler, will you go on a date with me?"

Tyler giggled, cheeks flushing pink as he nodded his head. "Of course," he answered easily, finishing off his cereal and placing the bowl and spoon in the sink. Zack had finished his, too, and trudged up the stairs to his room.

"Sick!" Josh grinned, throwing away his Poptart wrapper. "We're going today."

"We have school."

"Well, we're already late. Fuck school."

Tyler cackled, throwing his head back and letting out a surprised squeal as Josh picked him up and carried him upstairs. "You're such a bad influence," the shorter male teased.

"I'm well aware. Now, get some pants on."

(A/N: you were waiting for something bad to happen, weren't you? good thing i love you guys xo bc the next chapter's full of fluff, too)

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