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"As surely as the sun
will rise tomorrow,
so too will my heart
only beat for you."


She watched the door swing open, while a wave of pain shot through her head. She felt the bandage that was wrapped around her forehead. It felt like a migraine, but worse.

"Hey, looks like you're finally awake." Said a girl with red hair worn in a bun.

"What happened?" Avia asked, holding the side of her head. The girl's expression quickly changed.

"Well, I wasn't there when it happened, but you looked all beaten up when Louis carried you in." She replied. Avia let go of her head. "Your head's gonna hurt for a few days." She sighed. Avi tried to get up, but her legs were still sore.

"How long am I gonna have to wear this bandage?" She pointed to her head. The girl laughed.

"For a bit. Maybe a day or two. Wait for the bleeding to settle down." She crossed her arms. Her eyes widened. "Oh! Almost forgot. Your guitar. Louis has it."

"Really? It's... not broken?" Avi felt her heart flutter. At least she still had her guitar. One of the things that she held near and dear to her heart, along with the necklace.

"A small part chipped off, but it's in good condition." She turned to leave, but turned back again. "By the way, the name's Ruby." Ruby smiled.

"Avia." She replied. Avi smiled back. She sat up straight, the pain in her head quickly dialing down. She looked outside of the window that was at the end of the hall. It was boarded up, but some light shone through.

She felt her curly hair. It wasn't greasy as before. It felt fine, probably because she washed it in the creek before walking deeper into the forest.  Another door swung open, and someone else walked out, changing their pace as they saw Avia.

"Hey there." The boy said. She looked up at him. He had blonde hair cut in a weird style. He smiled down at her and dropped her duffle bag. "Just here to give you back your bag." Avia picked it up, trying her best to stand up and not look like a total idiot.

"Thanks." She said. He looked at her arm.

"Sorry about your arm." He said. Avia frowned.

"Tell that kid to be more careful. Could kill an innocent person out there." She sat down. He frowned.

"Are there really any innocent people out there?" He said. Avi shrugged.
"Anyways, I'm Marlon." Marlon smiled, once again.

"Avia. Avi for short. Really don't care at this point." She replied, opening up her bag. It only had empty food cans, some were missing. She paused.

"Yeah, I was hoping you would ignore the fact that we took your food." He scratched the back of his neck, awkwardly. Avi sighed.

"It's.. fine. I know that there might be a lot of mouths to feed here." She looked down at the duffle bag. "Could of at least saved two." Marlon cleared his throat.

"You should go... get your guitar. Just follow the music. Louis is always playing that stupid piano." He snickered. Avia shook her head, placing her bag on the couch. "Meet us outside when you're ready." Marlon said, walking down the stairs.

"Alright. Just follow the music.." she whispered to herself. She walked up and down the halls trying to find any source of music. A soft tune played from one direction. Avi felt a wave of relief go over her. She felt lost in this huge school, and the piano just saved her.

Avia walked up a flight of stairs, trying not to wince in pain. The door to the piano was cracked open a bit, revealing Louis who was working away on a song. She opened the door slowly.

She smiled as she listened more to the music. It's been a while since she's heard a piano. She had one at her house which her mother would always play. Sometimes her father. Louis stopped and looked over at her.

"Hey." He smiled. Avia crossed her arms and walked over.

"Hey. You're Louis, right?" She asked. He nodded.

"Yup. The piano man. And you're the sleeping beauty, right?" He laughed. Avi furrowed her brows in confusion.

"Huh?" She said, in a confused tone. Louis looked at her.

"Because you've slept for two days. No one has told you yet?" He hit a key on the piano, then frowned. "You hear that?"

"You need to tune it." Avi replied. He nodded.

"Right. Now, do you know how to tune a piano?" He asked, getting up. She thought for a while.

"I remember a bit." Avia sat down at the piano. Louis went over to the strings.

"Alright. Now just press the C key." He said. She pressed the C key. Louis frowned. "Ok. Now step on that pedal." He pointed to the pedal. She stepped down on it. "Last step. Blow on the strings." Louis smiled. Avia shook her head.

"Not falling for that." She got up. Louis laughed.

"Smart, I see." He got up from the strings. "Shall we go outside?" He asked in a 'fancy' like voice.

"Yes, we should." Avi replied in the same tone. They both laughed, talking all the way til they got outside.

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