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"All that you
are is all
I ever need."


Avia stepped outside and looked around. There was a bench where every one was sitting. They all were eating silently, some looking over at Avia.

"Hey! Avi! Over here!" Ruby called out, patting the seat beside her. Avia walked over and sat down. Louis came over and slid her a bowl of soup.

"Where's yours?" She asked Louis. He furrowed his brows, but smiled again.

"There's no more left. Figured that you're ravenous or something of that type." He replied. The girl across Louis sighed in embarrassment, shaking her head.

"Seriously? 'Ravenous type'?" She questioned in a monotone voice. Louis rolled his eyes.

"That over there is Violet. She'll warm up to you sometime. Just give it a bit." Ruby whispered. Violet got up, leaving her empty bowl. Louis looked down at the table.

"What's wrong, Louis?" Avi asked. He put on a fake smile.

"Just... hungry." He said. She looked down at her soup. She hasn't eaten any of it yet. Avi slid it over to Louis. "You don't-"

"I took care of a child for half of this apocalypse. I think I could go on without food for one more day." She replied. He looked at her, surprised.

"I have yet to learn about your past, Avi." He laughed. Ruby got up.

"I'm gonna get to patrolling. See you tomorrow." She said, waving. Avia waved back. Louis cleared his throat.

"Alright, everybody! Who's down for a  little game?" He called out. Some people scooted over to their side of the bench. Violet came out from the building. She walked over and sat down, crossing her arms on the table. Louis looked over at Avia. "What game would you like to play?"

"Well, I've only played it once, but.. the introduction game." She said. Everyone looked at her in confusion. "I made it up. It's simple. We go around, say one thing about ourselves and at the end we vote who had the most embarrassing, weirdest or best past life." She explained.

"Ah. I see." Louis said. "You go first. Show us how it's done." Avia sighed.

"Alright. First, our homes." She furrowed her brows. "Mine was just a ranch house. Nothing special." Avi said. Louis nodded.

"I'll go next." He glanced over at Violet, who was giving him the stink eye. "We were rich. So we had a big house. And when I saw big, I mean BIG." He said, confidently. Violet rolled her eyes.

"Alright.. I'm up. A trailer." She whispered. Avi smiled.

"Not... bad... my grandma lived in one." Avia replied. Violet looked away.

After everyone had talked about their past life and rated theirs, everyone went off to bed.

"Mind showing me to my room?" Avi asked Louis. He nodded.

"Of course, Ms. Embarrassing." He joked.

"Alright, alright. Enough, Mr. Best-life-ever." She laughed. They both walked into the school.

The sun shone through the window onto Avia's face, waking her up. She slowly got up, looking around the gloomy room. It looked like it was untouched for years. A knock came from the door. She got up and slowly walked towards the door, and turned the door knob. A brown haired kid stood on front of the door, smiling at her.

"Hey there." She greeted. He scratched the back of his neck.

"Ruby told me to apologize to you, for, you know... shooting that bow at you." He said. Avi frowned.

"Be more careful in the future. Ok?" She put her hands on her hips.

"Ok." He muttered. He ran off, quickly disappearing behind a corner. Avia walked around the school, trying to find the way out.

"Awesome. I don't know where I am.." she muttered. Something grabbed her from behind, covering her mouth.

"Drop all your weapons." The voice said. Avi reached to her back pocket and threw her gun on the ground.  She looked down the hallway and saw Marlon aiming a bow at the person who was holding holding her 'hostage'.

"How about you do the same." He said. The person dropped their knife, backing away. Avi turned back to look at them. A girl her age wearing a hat with a D on it, with short curly hair.

"What the hell?" Avia yelled. The girl furrowed her brows and looked over at Marlon.

"Avi, go." He commanded. She ran off, not caring where she was.

Avia finally found the doors. She walked out into the front of the school and looked around. There was a little boy drawing a picture on some paper. The kid who came to her door was up on a tower, keeping guard.

She sighed, walking over to the table.

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