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"What's meant to be
will always find a


The group found their way back to the school, listening to Delilah's stories about the people she was with before running off. Louis mostly asked all the questions, but Avia always seemed to answer them first, like she knew what Delilah was going through.

As they walked closer to the gate, Delilah his behind Avia. She looked up at Willy and saw him looking back at Delilah. Avi waved, forcing Delilah to come out of hiding.

Marlon opened the gate and glanced over at the little girl. He smiled, but quickly stopped when he saw her frown back at him. Tenn watched them come in.

"This is Ericssons, Delilah. Hopefully our forever home." She got down to her level and looked her in the eyes. "It's good to see you again." She said, hugging her.

"Ok, but can I go now?" Delilah asked, pointing to the bench Tenn was drawing at. Avia turned her head and nodded.

"Why not?" She laughed. Delilah ran off and climbed up on the bench, starting a small conversation with him. Louis came over.

"Looks like she's already warmed up to this place." He chuckled. Avi nodded.

"She's a bit scared of Willy, though. I'm not sure why." She whispered. Louis shook his head and crossed his arms.

"He seems a little intimidating, don't you think? If I saw Willy running at me, aiming a bow right between my eyes I'd be scared too." He laughed.

"He was waving, though. I don't know how she found that intimidating." Avia said, then shrugged. "The group she was in didn't have any kids in it, so that's probably why she was so scared of him."

"Then why isn't she scared of Tenn?" Louis asked, looking over at her.

"That's the point. Maybe-" The gate opened, revealing Brody, Violet and Clementine along with AJ. Brody seemed frustrated, or angry at something. AJ looked over at Delilah and smiled, running over.

"Dinners ready!" Omar called. Everyone sat down at the bench the kids were at. Delilah walked over to Avi.

"What are we having?" She asked.

"Soup." She replied. Delilah sighed, and stomped her foot down, causing everyone to look at her. "Hey, hey! What's with you?" She yelled.

"I don't like soup! We always ate it! It reminds me of Eric, and how he died! He always made soup! I hate it, I hate it, I hate it!" Delilah started having a temper tantrum at this point. Everyone ignored her and started eating. Louis came over.

"I'll take care of this. Avi, you can go eat." He ushered Delilah into the school. Avia shook her head and walked to the table, defeated. Clementine looked over at her.

"I know how it feels like. Sometimes you just can't do anything about it." She said.

"I know, but it always feels like I failed at taking care of her. She shouldn't be acting this way. I taught her better.." Avia scooped up some soup and ate it. Clementine glanced at AJ.

"It's... natural. Like, when we were kids, some of us threw tantrums." Clem laughed. "Looking back at it now, they were stupid." She smiled.

"I'm gonna go now. I'll see you guys later." She excused herself from the table and walked into the school.

She was greeted by a melody coming from the piano room, as always.

Avia made her way once again to the piano room, walking a bit faster since she already knew the halls well.

The melody stopped. She heard laughter coming from the room as she got closer.

"Can you play it again?" Delilah asked. Louis nodded, and turned back to his piano, playing away. Avi crept in.

"Delilah, I think it's time for bed." Avia gestured for her to come to her. Delilah frowned.

"Can I please stay up? Just for a minute?" She whined. Avi shook her head.

"I don't know how long you've been walking or what you've seen along the way, but it's been a long day and you need some sleep." She said, crossing her arms. Louis whispered something to Delilah. Delilah nodded and ran over to Avi.

"Ok. Fine." She grabbed her hand and walked out of the room, waving at Louis.

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