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"Two souls don't
just meet by


"... and that's how Delilah thought that she had powers that could fend off animals from eating our food." Avia finished off. Louis smiled, looking down at the water running underneath the bridge below them. Avia sighed. She looked up at the trees, and felt the locket around her neck. Louis looked over at her.

"You know, I've never gotten to know the story behind the necklace you're wearing." He said. Avia let go of the locket.

"It's my mom's. I found it in the forest we used to go to every summer in North Carolina while Delilah and I were passing through. I remember when she lost it and blamed it on my dad, but turns out that it wasn't his fault." Avia paused. "I wanna give it to Delilah, but knowing her, she'll probably lose it."

"Like she lost that camera of yours." He chuckled.

"Oh trust me, she's paying me back every penny." Avia smirked.

"It's kind of impossible to find pennies right now, Avi." He laughed.

"Yeah. I forgot." She said, furrowing her brows. "Anyways, did Violet say anything about Tenn's death?" Avia asked. Louis shook his head.

"She just said, 'Tenn died, okay?!'" Louis said, mocking Violet's voice. Avia laughed. Louis tilted his head, frowning.

".... I'm not laughing about Tenn's death, Louis." She said, rolling her eyes.

"I know. You're not THAT heartless, are you?" He asked, chuckling.

"No, I don't think so." She replied. They both sat in silence for a bit, looking down at the water.

"Hey, Avi?" Louis asked, scratching the back of his neck. Avia looked over at him.

"What?" She asked. Louis cleared his throat.

"Will you- uh, be... my umm... girl... friend?" He asked awkwardly. Avia's eyes widened. She giggled.

"Why wouldn't I?" She said, nodding. Louis smiled.

"So... is that a yes?"



Louis and Avi walked back to the school, holding hands as they walked through the forest. Willy was at the gate. As they came closer to the school, Willy climbed down and slowly opened the gate.

"After you." Louis said, bowing down. Avia stepped in.

"You're back! Look what I found!" Delilah said, holding up a skull of a small animal. Avia frowned.

"Did you... wash it?" Avia asked. Delilah paused.

"Maybe." She replied.

"Delilah! Come quick!" AJ yelled. Delilah quickly ran back to AJ, putting the skull into her overall pocket. Louis crossed his arms.

"Even though this worlds gone to shit, AJ and Delilah are still... kids." Louis said, looking over at the kids. Avia nodded.

"She was always a kid. I never pressured her to kill. I wanted to give her an opportunity to live a great life in this world. I know that I could've done better, but it's the least I could do." She said. Louis sighed.

"You did good, Avi." He said. His face lit up. "Wanna go up on the bell tower?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Sure." She replied, smiling.


Avia and Louis climbed up on the tower, sitting down, dangling their legs over the edge of the building. They watched the sun set, causing the sky to turn into a soft orange color.

"So, what do you think about the school?" He asked.

"I really like it. But I don't think I can stay, Louis." She furrowed her brows. "I really want to get back to Georgia and check it out there." Avia said, looking over at him. Louis frowned.

"But there's nothing there, Avi. This school is probably the best that you're ever gonna get out of this apocalypse." Louis said. Avia shrugged.

"I know, but I have to find Delilah's father. I heard that he's got a huge camp down in Georgia." She said. "You should come, Louis." Avia added. Louis shook his head.

"I can't leave this place behind. Everyone needs me here." He said. Avia crossed her arms.

"Just know, that if I ever leave, that you could come with me too." Avia got up and climbed down the bell tower, leaving Louis alone.


Hey! Just a heads up, the next chapter is going to be the last Chapter. Thank you guys so much for reading and this couldn't be possible without you <3

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