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"Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person
is essential to your own."


Avia looked at the fire, crawling towards her from the hallway.

"Louis! Louis?" She called out, holding onto the wall. Avia looked back. The fire was getting closer.

"Avi?!" She heard a faint voice from outside. Avia ran towards a door, quickly opening it up to reveal a deck.  She looked down.

She knew how to swim, but she wasn't very fond of jumping off high places.

The heat of the fire was roasting her back, pushing her out of the boat. Avia closed her eyes.

She jumped off of the deck. She landed in the water, a few inches away from a piece of wood. She grabbed onto it and swam to shore, trying not to look over at the flaming boat.

An arrow missed her head just by an inch. Avia ducked down, gripping onto the wood. She heard the boat shift again. Avia looked over at it.

The boat slowly leaned to the left. She saw people running out of it. The boat collapsed, some debris hitting Avia.

A sheet of iron hit her in the head, knocking her out.


She woke up in an old building, which felt very familiar to her.

Avia looked over to the mattress beside her.

"Reagan?" She whispered in shock. Avi hasn't seen him in years. She slowly got up.

"Oh god..." someone groaned outside.

"Diana?" Avi questioned, creeping towards the door. The windows were broken, not even covered up with any wood. Avia peered out the window.

"Not now... not right now..." Diana whispered, shaking her head. Avi opened the door slowly, the cold air hitting her. She crossed her arms, trying to warm herself up.

"Diana..." Avia looked up at her. Diana looked down at Avi, her eyes welling up with tears.

"Avi..." she whispered. Avia wanted to pull her into a tight hug, but she knew that something wasn't right.

"What is it?" Avia asked, furrowing her brows. Diana let out a sigh.

"Nothing. Just get back to bed." She replied, crossing her arms. Avi frowned.

"No. What's wrong?" She asked again, her voice stern. Diana's eyes widened. She held out a stick. "What? A plastic stick?"

"No! Look." Diana pointed to the two lines showing up on the side of the stick.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Avi said in confusion.

"I'm pregnant, Avi!" Diana whispered harshly. Avia's eyes widened.

"Well, what are we going to do?!" She asked. Diana shook her head.

"I.. Don't know. Just don't tell Glenn." Diana whispered nervously. Avi nodded and walked back into the building that was assigned to sleep in.

Avi buried her face into the mattress, thinking about her future.

What if she'll have to take care of the baby? What if Diana dies?

What if her life will never be the same again?


Avia's eyes opened. She coughed up some water. Her eyes watered right when they opened due to all the smoke. She looked around, squinting.

"L- Louis? Clementine?" Avi coughed out. No one answered. She lied back and looked up at the cloudy sky. The wound on her stomach limited her from moving. Her finger was the least of her worries now. She looked to her left.

Her eyes widened as a figure slowly walked towards her. Avia sat up.

It didn't look like a walker. It wasn't Louis or Clementine.

The figure dropped their weapon, looking at Avia from far away.

"Avia?" He said in shock. Avia looked at him in confusion. The man came closer. Avi gasped.

"... Dad?" She whispered while getting up, slowly. He looked at her bloody shirt.

"What... happened..." he asked, taking a step closer to her. Avia looked down.

"Nothing." She replied. Her father pulled her into a tight hug, a tear rolling down his cheek. It lasted for a while before he pulled away. He shook his head, sighing.

"Avia. I have to tell you something." He said, rolling up his sleeve. Avia looked at him, confused. He then stopped and looked at her, revealing a bite. Avi gasped.

"... what?" Avia felt sick. Her father, her best friend, was bitten. And there's nothing she could've done.
"We can cut it off, right? Just-"

"No." He cried. Avi froze. Her father looked at her, smiling through the tears. "You're strong now, Avia. I have to go now." He shook his head. "It's not fair. But at least I've got to see y-"

An arrow shot him in the neck. Her father grabbed his neck, looking at her dead in the eyes as he stumbled into the water, gurgling.

"NO!" Avia cried, running to her fathers side. She looked down at the arrow. Avia tried to pull it out, but it was lodged in there. "Dad!" She finally pulled out the arrow. Avia shook him violently, trying to wake him up. Just to hear anything from him one last time.


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