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"I need you like
a heart needs a


Louis came running up to Avia, dropping the crossbow as he came closer.

"Are... you.. okay?" He asked, out of breath. He put his hands on his knees, looking down.

"You- you... killed my father." Avia whispered. She looked up at him with rage in her eyes. Louis slowly looked over at her, his eyes wide.

"Father...?" He took a step back, keeping his eyes on Avi.

"I- go away." She said.

"But-" Louis was interrupted.

"What did I just say?" Avia asked. "Go. Away." She repeated. Louis looked back into the forest.



"Avia we can't-"

"Why can't you just leave me alone?" She cried. Louis frowned.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Louis asked. "You're gonna die here if we don't go! So get your ass up and go!" He yelled. Avia shook her head and slowly got up.

"F-" a walker grabbed her ankle before she could say anything more. Louis quickly stomped on it's head until it let go.

"Go! Come on!" Louis said, grabbing her hand. They both ran into the forest, dodging every walker they saw. Avia stumbled over a log.

"Louis!" She called out as he ran. Louis kept running, quickly ducking behind a tree. Avi got up and limped towards the tree.

"Over there!" One of the soldiers shouted. They shot Avi in the right leg, knocking her down.

"Avi!" Louis called out, running over to her. He helped her up, putting her arm over his neck. Avia's vision blurred.

The tree's canopy above her faded into a green mess. Her ears rang. Louis suddenly fell to the ground, dropping her. Avi didn't react. He got up on his feet and picked up Avia again, limping this time. She closed her eyes, letting the warm feeling overcome her.


She woke up after feeling something cold flow over her head. Avia looked up before having cold water hit her eyes.

"Sorry!" Louis said, wiping his hands off on his coat. Avia sat up and felt a sharp pain in her leg.

"What happened?" Avia asked, looking over at Louis.

"I believe you were shot." He replied. Avi shook her head and lied back.

"Well, do you at least know where we are?" She asked. Louis paused for a second.

"Hm... yeah." He said, looking around. Avia got up, trying to overcome the pain from her leg.

"... good." She said, wincing. Louis helped her up. Avia smiled, putting her arm around his neck.

Louis started walking slowly, making sure that Avi wasn't in a lot of pain. They walked silently for a few minutes before Avia decided to break the ice.

"My dad used to be the master of knock knock jokes." She said. Louis smirked.

"Oh, really?" He laughed. "Let's see about that." Louis said. He thought for a moment. "I got one."

"Alright, then." Avia smiled.

"Knock knock."

"Who's there?"

"Little old lady."

"Little old lady who?"

"Wow.  After all this time I've known you, you've never told me that you could yodel." Louis smirked, looking over at Avia.

"Stupid." She giggled, punching his arm softly. "I've got one too."

"Knock knock."

"... Who's there?"


"Robin who?"

"Robin you. Now hand over the cash!" Avia said. Louis shook his head, smiling. "That was his favorite joke. Being a bank accountant and all." She added.  Louis smirked.

"I've got one." He said. Louis cleared his throat.

"Knock knock."

"Who's there?"


"Olive who?"

"Olive you. Do you love me too?" Louis looked at Avia, raising an eyebrow. She blushed, looking down at the ground.

"That's..." she looked back up at him. "So dumb, yet so..."

"So?" Louis said, waiting for an answer. Avia rolled her eyes.

"The school." She pointed in front of them, letting out a sigh of relief.

"Finally." Louis sighed. They both slowly walked up to the gates.


"Looks like we're the first ones." Louis said, helping Avia sit down on the couch. Avi furrowed her brows, worried.

"What about Delilah?" She asked, looking up at him.

"I... don't know. I was with her, I swear!" He said. "It just.... happened. I told her to stop, but the walkers just kept coming. The look on her face..." Louis paused, frowning. "She looked at me like I was a walker. Clem tried to help her, but she just ran to the water. Luckily, Ruby was around to get her out and run behind the trees. Delilah didn't look good, though."

"Really...? Oh god, I thought that she'd be over it by now..." Avia put her head in her hands, shaking her head.

"Over what?"

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