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"I don't want
someone like you,
I want you."


Two days.

It's been two days since she's last seen Louis and Delilah.

Two days since she felt normal. At home.

Avia sighed, looking out the window. There were a few walkers left. Her wounds were still sore. Every time she walked it would feel like a knife was stabbing her stomach. The cut on her cheek and arm were healed, and were less of her worries.

She grabbed the bag and swung it over her shoulder.

Avia would have to make a run for it.

She tried once, but she almost got bit. Thankfully, the river was nearby and she managed to jump in and swim to the deck, where there were no walkers at the time. Her clothes were still soaked, her hair in a tangled mess.

Avia slowly crawled through the window. The walkers limped around, looking around aimlessly. She walked at first. She almost made it before a walker grabbed her.

"Get off!" Avia yelled, taking out her knife. She cut off one of it's hands, then cutting the other one off. Avia ran off into the woods, trying to ignore the pain in her stomach. 


Avia threw herself over a rock, looking down at her blood soaked tank top. Her knees were bleeding too from the dead branches and thickets. She caught her breath. She dug into the backpack. Avia spotted a water bottle in the very bottom of the pack. She grabbed it and opened it up.

She took a sip, saving some for later. It would probably take a day for her to get to the school in her condition.

Avia was soon back on her feet, following the small path through the forest. She spotted a few walkers, but they all ignored her. Avia felt the huge cut on her stomach. It felt like fire.

"I'm not gonna make it..." she said to herself. She wasn't familiar to the forest. Avia already felt lost. "For Louis. And Dee." She said to herself again, regaining her confidence.

Avia kept walking, thinking about Delilah. How she would look at Avia as she walked through the gate. And Louis. Avia got butterflies in her stomach.

The way he hugged her a few days ago, she felt... different. She never felt that way before. Avia had a bit of a crush on him.

After hours of walking, she stopped. Among the trees in front of her, the school appeared in it's dead, but live form. No one seemed to be in the yard, which was kind of strange. Avia walked up to the gate.

"Hello?" She called out in a weak voice. She could really go for some soup right now. Avia tried opening the gate, but it wouldn't budge for her. The doors opened, revealing a sad Louis, looking down at the ground. He sat down on the stairs. Avia smiled. "Louis!" She called out. He looked up in shock.

"Avia...?!" He jumped up to his feet, running towards the gate. Louis swung the gate open. Avia ran into his arms, crying happy tears. She buried her face into his shoulder.

"Avi!" Delilah called out, running up to her. Avia let go of Louis and hugged Delilah. As Delilah hugged her, she squeezed a bit too hard on her stomach, where her cut was. She gasped.

"Don't hug me too tight, Dee." Avia said. Delilah looked at her bloody shirt.

"What happened?!" She asked.

"The glass cut me while crawling in through the window." She replied, handing Delilah her bag.

"My bag!" She said, opening it. She took out the action figure and looked at it. "Thank you, Avi!" Delilah said.

"Go ahead and play with Tenn... and AJ?" She said in confusion.

"Oh, yeah, Clementine and AJ came back after AJ got shot." He replied. Ruby came out to the yard and looked over at Avia.

"Oh, god! What the hell happened to you?" She asked.

"I was cut by some glass." Avia said. Ruby shook her head.

"Come on, let's get you fixed up." She said. Avia followed behind Ruby into the school.


Avia lied down on the couch. Ruby frowned.

"Sorry, we don't have a lot of medical supplies right now." She said. "Can I see the cut?" Avia lifted up her tank top, revealing the cut from the left side of her stomach to her right. Ruby cringed. "You're lucky that it didn't cut all the way. Now this'll hurt a bit." She said.

Avia felt a painful sting come from her wound. She cried out in pain. Ruby took her hand back.

"I'm sorry!" She said. Avia shook her head.

"It's fine. Do what you gotta do." She replied. After cleaning up the wound and bandaging it up, Clementine came up.

"Hey there. How are you doing?" She asked Avia.

"Better than yesterday." She replied. Clementine smiled.

"Anyways, Ruby. About the plan..." Clementine glanced at Avi. "Just remember to tell her." Clementine said. She made her way downstairs. Ruby sighed.

"So, Clementine said that we're gonna get invaded. I need to tell you our plan." She said. Avia furrowed her brows. "Just.... kill who you have to. In your condition, I don't recommend lugging around any wood." Ruby added.

"Got it..." Avia froze.

"Rest for now." Ruby said. She went downstairs to help every one barricade the yard. Avi sighed.

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