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"A few bad chapters
doesn't mean that our
story is over."


Avia opened the door and found Violet and Louis standing at the foot of the bedroom door. Louis furrowed his brows in sadness and looked down at the floor, scratching the back of his neck. Violet crossed her arms and came in, Louis following behind.

"We need your vote." Violet said. "For if Clem and AJ should stay or not after... you know-"

"I think she knows, Vi." Louis said, angrily. Violet rolled her eyes.

"So what is it?" She demanded, tapping her foot on the floor. Avia froze.

"They.. seemed nice. And it looked like Delilah's really good friends with him already..." she said. " I don't know exactly what happened, but-"

"AJ shot Marlon after he killed Brodie in the basement." Louis said. Avia furrowed her brows.

"Isn't Marlon the murderer here? I mean, AJ had the right to kill him. If Marlon killed Brodie and lived, then imagine what would've happened if he got away with it. He could've killed someone else! And I'm sorry, but if it were the case, then Delilah and I would've left." She looked over at Louis. You two were friends. I saw that, but wake up. What he did wasn't right-"

"Shut up." He yelled. Delilah stirred in her sleep, whimpering. Avia looked back at her. Violet backed Louis away.

"Louis-! Just-" she sighed out of frustration. "So is it a stay or a go?" Violet asked again.

"Stay. He's a kid. Mistakes happen." She said.

"It sure didn't looked like a mistake!" Louis said. His eyes teared up, but he quickly blinked them away. Violet cleared her throat.

"I guess we got our votes." She turned away, walking away, but then stopping. "What about Delilah?" Violet asked.

"Count her out of this. She doesn't know how voting works." She said, slowly closing the door behind Louis and Violet. Avia leaned against the door. She let the tears flow.

She never got yelled at by someone that she knew as her friend. It hit differently. Delilah jolted awake, her eyes wide open, staring at Avia. She jumped off her bed and ran over to Avi, hugging her.

"Clem and AJ are leaving." Delilah whispered. Avia wiped away her tears.

"Maybe. We don't know." She said. Delilah shook her head, burying her head into Avia's tank top.

"They're leaving. I know it." Delilah sobbed quietly. "I want them to stay. It's not fair." She sniffed. Avia nodded.

"Maybe you're right. Maybe you're wrong." She paused. "Let's go eat. And hey-" she got down to Delilah's level. "Say goodbye to AJ. Not bye. Goodbye. This might be the last time you'll ever see him again." Avia patted Delilah's shoulder.

Avia and Delilah headed outside to the front yard. AJ was standing beside Clementine, waiting for Louis and Violet. Delilah ran over to AJ and pulled him into a tight hug. She talked to him for a bit.

"Avia." She turned around and saw Louis leaning against the door.

"What?" She asked, frowning. He sighed and shook his head.

"I'm... sorry. I'm sorry that I lost it back there. He was just my best friend." Louis took a break before speaking again. "We-"

"You're not alone, Louis." She walked up to him. "We've all been through this. I know how it feels to lose someone near and dear to your heart. It sucks ass, but you get over it and look back at it." Avia paused and laughed a bit. "Diana. This woman who was with me, Delilah's mother, we two were the bestest of friends. She wasn't the first one to find me in all of this, but she just has a special place in my heart. And it sucks knowing that she's gone. There's no way she's out there anymore." Avia looked up at Louis. "I didn't even get to say goodbye. She was gone before I knew it. And now I look back at it, and she had some flaws. We all do. But we all forget about them. Those flaws helped me get over her death. And how she talked about leaving Delilah  in the woods after having her-"

Louis pulled her into a tight hug. She felt butterflies fluttering around in her stomach. She rarely had this feeling.

"You done?" Violet called out. Louis let go of Avia and nodded, walking over to Clem, Aj and Vi.

"What were you talking about?" Delilah asked. "Me? I heard my name. Is it a present?" She jumped up and down in excitement.

"Unfortunately, no." She looked back at Clementine, and waved. Clementine waved back before leaving the school ground. Avi sighed.

"Will we ever live a normal, peaceful life ever again?"

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