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"If it is real,
it will never be


She shut the door behind her, but it didn't close fully. Avi frowned.

If the school was ever under attack, the raiders could easily barge in.

She made her way to the piano room, inspecting the walls and doors as she walked past. Avia finally got to the room. The door was cracked as always, but Louis wasn't inside.

She walked in and spotted her guitar lying on a table. The bottom left corner fell off. At least the strings weren't out of place.

Avia strummed the strings. Two were out of tune. She got to tuning away, while sad memories started flooding in.


"You need to put your left hand up here. Your fingers need to go like..." Chris moved Avia's fingers into the right places, and strummed the guitar. "There. Now try it yourself." He leaned back a bit, examining the guitar. Avia sighed and put her fingers in the same place as Chris had shown her.

She strummed the strings, but the sound that came out made her cringe.

"I can't do it." Avia said in frustration. Chris furrowed his brows.

"You're only twelve. You've got some years left before you really get into it." He replied, taking the guitar away from her. Chris examined the left bottom corner. "Here, Avi. Carve your initials." He dug into his pocket and pulled out a hunting knife, which was soon to be Avia's.

"Like what? The first letters of my first, middle and last name?" She asked. Chris nodded.

"Avia something something. Whatever your whole name is." He got up, sighing. Avi carved an A, then a Q, then lastly an S.

"Done." She said to herself. She looked up and saw Chris heading into his tent, zipping the flap up behind him.

She was all alone, now. The dog was with Clarence who would probably be gone for another day or two while scavenging for materials. Delilah is sleeping in the tent beside Chris'. It was just the fire, the guitar, the trees and her now.

Avia played the only song she knew. "Blackbird."

Chris was a fan of a band called "The Beatles", so he only taught her their songs. She heard of them before, but never listened to their music.

She carried on playing. At last she could finally put her worries in the back of her head while she played.

Hopefully this'll be their forever home.


Avia finished up playing "Blackbird". The memories soon swept away, like they were going down a stream.

"Ahem." She heard someone cough behind her. Avia turned around and saw Louis. She quickly put her guitar down, turning over to face him.

"Oh, hey." She got up, scratching the back of her neck. Louis smirked, shaking his head.

"So we're just gonna pretend like this never happened? You, playing the guitar? Like a total boss?" He chuckled. Avia cringed.

"I'd prefer it that way." She picked up her guitar again. "Oh, and that Clementine girl? She's a total ass." She muttered. Louis frowned.

"I find her pretty nice. How'd you even meet her in the first place?" He questioned.

"She grabbed me by the throat with a knife, Louis. If that's not messed up, I don't know what is." She replied. Louis shrugged.

"She was scared, Avia. Of course she's gonna kick into survival mode." He laughed. Avi rolled her eyes.

"Survival mode? I wouldn't do that if I was in survival mode. I would've preferred if she pointed a gun at me from afar than putting a knife up to my throat. One slip, and boom. I'd be dead." She exclaimed.

"I wouldn't like that." Louis said. Avia looked up at him, and smiled.

"Stupid." She punched his arm playfully. He grabbed it.

"Ow." He said, sitting down at his piano. "You've got some knuckles on you, Avi." Louis winked.

"Shouldn't everyone at this point?" Avia said, leaning against the wall. Louis held up his knuckles, looking at them.

"Still waiting for mine." He sighed. Avi giggled. Louis quickly turned away, covering his face. She frowned.

"Louis? What's up?" She walked over. A girl with short hair came in.

"Louis, Aasim is waiting for you. Get a move on." She looked over at Avia. "You too." The girl walked away, leaving the door open. Louis got up, scratching the back of his neck.

"We... should go." He followed behind Brody, not looking back at Avi.

"Huh." She said to herself.

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