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"Hurt me with
the truth but
never comfort me
with a lie."


Avia spent most of her time sitting on the bench watching Tenn and Delilah draw and talk. Delilah spotted a figurine that was sat beside Tenn's paper.

"What's that?" She asked, grabbing the figurine.

"Hey!" Avia held out her hand, waiting for Delilah to give it up. Delilah frowned, gripping onto it tightly.

"It's ok." Tenn said quietly, continuing to draw. Delilah inspected the figurine.

"Is this a police man?" She asked. Avia nodded.

"They looked like that back then." She replied. Delilah tilted her head to the left.

"Why does he have a shiny thing on his shirt?" She asked.

"It's a police badge, to, you know-" before she could finish her sentence, Violet and Louis came running back to the school. Louis was gripping onto his arm. He dropped his weapon. Avia ran over.

"You're... You're bleeding!" She exclaimed.

"I know. I've been shot." He said. Delilah gasped. "While we were dropping Clem and AJ off, a woman came by who knew Clementine way back. She talked to her for a bit. Vi and I watched the whole thing. When Clem told us to run, the woman spotted us and shot at me." He removed his hand from his arm.

"What- we need to get you bandaged up!" Avia helped him inside and led him to the couch that she lied on when she was taken in. Ruby came up with some medical supplies and furrowed her brows in worry.

"How's he holding up?" Ruby asked. Avia shrugged.

"I've never had to look at a gun shot wound before. Only bites and cuts." Avia said. Ruby's eyes widened.

"Bites?" She whispered in surprise. Avi nodded.

"This one group I was in didn't believe in bites. It was sooo stupid. Once a month they would pick a medic, and I was chosen once. I insisted on chopping off some limbs, but they just screamed at me and told me to treat them until they get better." She rubbed her elbow. "The whole camp was almost wiped out because of their belief. I left with Delilah immediately after we became infested with walkers." Avia shook her head in anger. "We wasted all of our supplies on people who were already dying."

"What?" Delilah said, leaning against the couch. Avia and Ruby jumped.

"Oh gosh!" Ruby laughed. Louis smiled at Delilah.

"Is he going to be ok?" She asked, looking at him with worry in her eyes. Delilah started tearing up.

"Yeah. Well, I hope so." Avia replied, scratching the back of her neck. Delilah blinked away the tears and smiled at Louis.

"Good!" She said, jumping up and down. Delilah suddenly stopped and looked up at Avi. "What about my bag..?"

"Are you sure that you actually wanna go?" Avia asked, a bit nervous. She didn't want to bump into the woman Clementine bumped into, or get into a cluster of walkers. Delilah nodded. Ruby furrowed her brows.

"Dee, you don't have to go, ya know. We've got plenty of stuff here that you could use." She smiled at Delilah warmly, setting the medical supplies down on the couch. Delilah frowned.

"I. Want. To. Go." She said in a a stern voice. Avi sighed.

"Fine. Let's go." She tightened up her jacket around her waist. Before they went down the stairs to leave, Louis stopped them.

"And please, be careful. I can't handle losing one of you, too." He said. Delilah laughed.

"We'll be ok. See you later, Louis." Avia waved goodbye to Ruby and Louis.


Delilah looked up at the trees while walking through the forest.

"So, where is it?" Avia asked, stopping. Delilah looked down.

"Not here. Keep going!" Delilah said, pushing Avia a bit. Avia rolled her eyes.

"We've been walking for an hour, Dee. You couldn't of walked THIS far." She said. Delilah frowned. She stopped.

"Through these trees." Delilah pointed to some thick bushes and trees which were hard to see through.

"Really?" Avia took a step back.

"No. Keep walking." Delilah said in a sing-song voice. Avia looked at her angrily.

"Don't do that!" She yelled. Delilah rolled her eyes.

The sun was starting to set. Delilah felt exhausted. She tugged on Avia's tank top.

"What?" She asked.

"I'm... tired." Delilah replied, yawning.
"Here, get on my back." Avia said. Delilah crawled onto her back and buried her face into Avia's hair. Avi kept walking, but slowly this time.

A gun shot came from the woods in front of them. Avia gasped, almost dropping Delilah. She ran behind a tree, waking Delilah up.

"What? Did you find it?" She asked frantically. Avi shook her head.

"Gunshots." Both of them paused. Delilah drew out her pistol.

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