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"I wonder how
I look like in
your eyes."


It was the day of the raid. Avia sat on the stairs, looking out onto the yard. Her stomach still hurt, but it wasn't super bad. Delilah was sitting at the bench with AJ and Tenn.

"How... are you?" Louis asked, sitting down beside Avi.

"Nervous. I don't think I'll be able to do it, Louis." She replied. Louis shook his head.

"Don't say that. You'll make it. I can't lose you." He said looking over at her. "Besides, if you don't, we won't be able to have a show. You know, with your guitar and my piano." Louis laughed. Avia smiled.

"Yeah, the show. I forgot about that." She rolled her eyes and laughed. Avia suddenly furrowed her brows in worry. "You'll help me, right?" Louis paused.

"Why wouldn't I? I-" he stopped. "Of course I will." Louis laughed nervously. Avi smirked.

"Well, I've sat out here long enough. I'm gonna go take a nap." She said. Louis nodded.

"See you later." He waved, smiling. Avi waved back


Avia was woken up by a loud crash from the door way to her room. She looked up.

Two of the raiders kicked down the door. They grabbed her by her arms.

"Go see who you can get!" The woman yelled to the man with her. He nodded and ran off. "You're coming with us." She said. The woman grabbed Avia by the hair and dragged her outside her room.

"Let... me... go!" Avia kicked the woman repeatedly, but she wouldn't give in. Avi started to cry. Is this how she dies?

The woman led Avia outside. When she got to the yard, she noticed the fire on the ground and the walkers flooding in through the gate. The woman threw Avia into a cage.

"Fall back!" One woman yelled. The horse chained up to the cage reared, then started to gallop away.

"Louis!" Avia called out. She watched in shock as the school got smaller and smaller, getting lost in the trees behind her. "No... no no no!" Avia pushed on the cage's door, but it wouldn't even budge. She crawled to the back of the cage and curled up. Tears flowed down her cheeks.

She was going to die.


Avia woke up in a cell. She looked around, observing the wall paper. She found a window, but it had bars protecting the glass, so there was no way she could get through. Avi walked over to the cell door and peered out through the bars.

"Louis? Delilah? Ruby? Clem? Anybody?!" She whispered. A few seconds later, a woman with short brown hair came over to her cell. She looked at Avia.

"Now what are we going to do with you?" She said to herself. "Obviously you're too weak to fight any one or anything." Avia frowned.

"Excuse me, I can still fight! And besides, you don't know me!" Avia yelled. The woman smirked.

"It's Lilly." Lilly replied. She waited for an answer from Avia. "So, are you going to answer me or not?" She said, furrowing her brows.

"Avia. But call me Avi." Avia said timidly.

"Alright, Avia." Lilly looked around, then looked at Avia's bloody tank top. "If I or one of my soldiers see that you're attempting to get out of your cell or if you're out of it without permission, we'll have come consequences." She said, smirking. Lilly walked away, leaving Avia with a surprised look.

"Avia?!" She heard someone whisper from the cell beside her.

"Hello?" She whispered back.

"It's Aasim!" He whispered."... and Omar, but he's sleeping." Aasim said.

"What happened?" Avia asked.

"They.. they raided the school." Aasmin replied.

"I know what they did, but why?" Avi said.

"Shit, I don't know! To get more 'soldiers'?" He whispered. Avia sat down on the bed. It was harder than the bed at the school, but it was better than nothing.

"God..." Avia whispered to herself. She started thinking of the past. When this all started, when she was just teaching Delilah all of the necessities to surviving, when she reunited with her mother, meeting Louis...

"Are you crying?!" Aasmin asked.

"Shut up!" Avia said. She lied back on the bed, looking up at the ceiling. Hopefully, Clementine will come and find a way to get them out of here.

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