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"Love is like heaven,
but it can hurt like


Avi sat down, looking over at the boy. He looked up, putting down his pencil.

"Hi." He said, waving. Avia waved back, smiling. "You're new here, right?" She giggled.

"Yup." She said. "Hey, you're really good at drawing. Better than me, actually." Avia said. The boy picked his pencil up again, and started drawing one of the kids. The more he drew, the more she realized that it was Louis.

"You and Louis are really good friends." He furrowed his brows in sadness. "It's... been a while since I've had a friend." He muttered, looking down at the table. Avi frowned, thinking.

"Well-" a another boy walked over to the table. He quickly got up on the seat, looking at the drawing. "Hey there." Avi greeted. The kid looked up at her, frowned, and gazed at the paper.

"By.. by the way. I'm Tennessee. You can call me Tenn for short." Tenn said. The kid looked at Tenn, then Avi.

"I'm AJ." He smiled. Avi smiled back, then frowned.

"You're with that girl, right?" She asked, scratching the back of her neck. AJ nodded.

"Clementine." He replied.

"That's a really pretty name." She winked at him. "I don't mind if you tell her that." AJ nodded. Tenn paused.

"Avia, do you want me to draw you?" He asked. She looked down at him.

"Why not?" She looked taken a-back. She didn't know if he was trying to be polite, or he wasn't treated well here.

"Just asking. Some people don't want me to draw them. Like Mitch and Aasim." He pointed over to a guy writing in a journal or a diary of some sort. On the stairs behind him was a guy with brown hair, looking out onto the yard. She suddenly got an idea.

"Can you draw a dog in there too?" She asked. Tenn got confused.

"I'll try. How does it look like?" He quickly sketched a base for a dog. Avi paused to think.

"It has curly fur, a curly tail and a collar that's a bit too big for him." She laughed. Tenn smiled and started drawing away.

After a few minutes, he showed her the drawing.

"Here." He said. She inspected the sketch. It made her wonder if her dog, Bogey, was still out there. Hopefully with a group, and not torn to shreds by a scumbag walker.

"On point." She held up a thumbs up. "Well, I better get going. I'll see you guys soon." She got up, walking over to a tree with a bullseye hanging off of it by a rope. She felt a hand on her shoulder. Avia jumped, screaming. She turned around to find Louis, laughing at her.

"You... You should've seen your face!" He said while laughing. He settled down, wiping away a tear from the corner of his eye. "Priceless." Avi crossed her arms.

"Anything entertains you, huh? I get childish vibes from you, Louis." She said, letting out a smirk. He rolled his eyes.

"Anyways, I see that you're interested in-" he made a fancy gesture with his arms in front of the sign.

"Your bullseye? Yeah, probably because I haven't seen one in years." She replied, laughing. Louis smiled.

"Is that so?" He raised one eyebrow. Avi nodded.

"They're not as common as they used to be. Saw them everyday. Well, mainly because my dad kept a dart board in the garage." Her smirk crept away, leaving her with great, but sad memories. She knew that her mother was still alive, but her father might be... dead.

Louis reminded her of her father. Always so cheery, and joking around. Almost never serious. He would do anything for Avia. He even got her a rabbit one time, but it sadly passed away one year later. Her mother was great, but sometimes was too busy to talk or hang out with Avi. It was almost like she was never home.

"Earth to Avia!" Louis waved his hand in front of her face. She flinched, forgetting what she was thinking about.

"I... need to go. See you around." She walked off, looking down at the ground on sadness. Louis shrugged and walked into the school.

She saw the girl with the D hat again, sitting at bench with Tenn and AJ. Avi avoided her, not fully putting her trust in Clementine yet.

She remembered her guitar and how she never got to recieve it from the piano room. Avi walked into the school, taking one last look back at the yard. AJ glanced up at her from the bench, but looked back at Clementine.

She made her way inside, walking up the stairs.

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